D. Price Code File

D. Price Code File

To access the Drug Price Schedule File screen, click on File -> D. Price Code File.


Prescriber code file screen


The Price Code File

Price codes allow the pharmacy automatic modifications to the medication cost and fees related to the cost itself. As there are many variables and possibilities on these codes and you simply can't seem to figure it out, please contact us to go over the exact scenario and setup, and we'll be happy to assist you on building your price schedules.


Adding a New Price Code



When adding a new price schedule code, make sure the Add New Schedule option is selected towards the top of the screen. Enter in the Price Schedule Code and select the appropriate Drug Price Level using the drop-down list; typically this will be the AWP. Next, select the Drug Cost Factor (defaults to 100%). Select whether you'd like to round the price for cash prescriptions, and enter if you'd like to have a minimum total; if for some reason the above calculations were to put the medication at a below than desired price point, minimum total assures that the value never gets lower than the set minimum.

Enter in the appropriate information in the Max Cost (for the range), Disp Fee (flat fee based on the range), and Markup % (based on final price calculation, using the settings on the left) columns then click the "Save" button to save the information. Min Cost is automatically calculated based on the previous value and adding a penny; the only time this is different is during the first line entry where Min Cost defaults to 0.

With a built pricecode, the software will first calculate the cost for the prescription based on the settings on the left, then calculate the dispensing fee and/or additional markup to be applied.

If we were to consider the example, directly above, with a hypothetical drug that costs $100 for 100 pills, we can assume the following-

  • When the medication is filled, the base cost will be $100.

  • The cost falls into the first line bracket ($0.00 - $100.00), incurring a dispensing fee of $10.

  • The cost also falls into the first line bracket for a markup, and will incur a 15% markup off the $100 base cost for a total $15 extra.

  • We then add the base $100 to the $25 built fee, which includes the $10 dispensing fee, and the $15 markup fee.

This entire transaction, without any other external factors, would end up with a total cost of $125 based on this schedule.


Editing an Existing Price Code

When editing an existing price schedule code, make sure the Edit Schedule option is selected towards the top of the screen. Enter in the whole or partial price schedule code to search for existing price schedule codes or simply click the search button next to the field to view all the price schedule codes. To select the code simply click anywhere on the row of the code or enter in the line number in the field below the list. Enter in the appropriate information to be edited and click the "Save" button to save the information or click the "Save & Exit" button to save the information and go to the Rx Processing screen.


Deleting a Price Code

To delete a price schedule code, make sure the Edit Schedule option towards the top of the screen is selected. Enter in the Price Schedule Code and press the "Enter" key. Then click the "Delete" button and click "Yes" when the system asks “Are you sure you want to DELETE this record?

The user may also clear all the data displayed on the screen by clicking the "Cancel" button or by pressing the "Enter" key when the "Cancel" button is highlighted.


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