4. Patient File

4. Patient File

To access the Patient file press the ‘F3’ key, click on the ‘Patient’ button towards the left of the screen or click on File -> 4. Patient’s File.


Patient file screen



Adding a New Patient

To add a new patient from the Rx Processing screen put the focus in the Patient field and make sure it is empty. Then either press the ‘F3’ key, click on the ‘Patient’ button towards the left of the screen or click on File -> 3. Patient’s File.

When adding a new patient make sure the Add New Patient option is selected towards the top of the screen. Enter in the patient’s information and click the ‘Save’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Save’ button is highlighted to save the information. Click the ‘Save & Exit’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Save & Exit’ button is highlighted to save the information and go to the Rx Processing screen.

When entering in a zip code on the Patient File screen for the FIRST time, the system will automatically save the new information in the Zip Code file, if it doesn’t already exist, when the patient’s info is saved. After this is done, any time the same zip code is entered in the system it will fill in the City and State fields automatically. For more information on zip codes see Zip Code File. (link to zip code file)

Editing an Existing Patient

To edit an existing patient from the Rx Processing screen enter in the patient’s name in the Patient field, Then either press the ‘F3’ key, click on the ‘Patient’ button towards the left of the screen or click on File->3. Patient’s File.

When editing an existing patient make sure the Edit Patient option is selected towards the top of the screen. Enter in the appropriate information to be edited and click the ‘Save’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Save’ button is highlighted to save the information. Click the ‘Save & Exit’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Save & Exit’ button is highlighted to save the information and go to the Rx Processing screen.

When the Display Patient option is selected towards the top of the screen the user cannot edit any information, only view it.

Copying a Patient

If a patient has nearly the same information as another patient the user can use the Copy function. In order to utilize this feature, the user must first click on the Edit Patient button. Then bring up the existing patient (the one user wants to copy the data from) on the screen. Then click the ‘Copy’ button and the system will keep the Family, Address, City, State, Zip, Charge Account, Phone, Label Language, Discount Type, Discount %, Price Code, Family Fax and Family e-mail ID information. Enter in the rest of the necessary information and click the ‘Save’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Save’ button is highlighted to save the information. Click the ‘Save & Exit’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Save & Exit’ button is highlighted to save the information and go to the Rx Processing screen.

Deleting a Patient

The user may only delete a patient IF the patient has NOT been used to fill a prescription in the system. To do this make sure the Edit Patient option towards the top of the screen is selected. Enter in the patient’s name and press the ‘Enter’ key. Then click the ‘Delete’ button and click ‘Yes’ when the system asks “Are you sure you want to delete this record?

The user may also clear all the data displayed on the screen by clicking the ‘Cancel’ button or by pressing the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Cancel’ button is highlighted.

Patient Fields

  • Name: Enter the patient’s full name. If there is a 2D barcode scanner attached, alternatively you can press the Scan ID button to scan the patient's drivers' license (if compatible).

  • Address & Contact Information: Enter the address and all pertinent contact information for the patient.

    • The software will attempt to validate the address to ensure accuracy, and ask if you’d like to use the address as entered, or the suggested address it found.

    • The software will also check for families using the same address, allowing you to link the patient to that family through a pop-up window. This check only happens when adding new patients.

  • Notification Message Settings (Bell icon): These settings directly mirror notification settings seen on the patient's profile or the main prescription screen. A full explanation of these features can be found here.

  • Family: Using a first and last name, indicate what family the patient belongs to. For example, John Doe and Jane Doe can be linked under the DOE, JOHN family or the DOE, JANE family.

  • Charge Account: Select whether or not the family of the patient would like a charge account using the dropdown list.

  • DOB (Required): Enter the patient's date of birth.

  • Gender (Required): Indicate the patient's gender.

  • Label Language: Select the appropriate language to be put on the label of the patient’s prescription using the dropdown list. The default for this is ‘English’.

  • Dispense Using: Select package the patient would like using the drop-down list. The default for this is ‘Safety Caps’.

  • Dispense By: Indicate if this is a pickup, delivery or a mail order based patient.

  • Delivery Driver: Specify which driver delivers this patient's prescriptions, if on a regular basis.

  • Delivery Group: Choose the delivery group this patient belongs to.

  • Patient ID Qual: Choose the identification qualifier. Most commonly used for government IDs. This field auto populates in the background if the pharmacy is signed up with Amerisource's Elevate program.

  • Patient ID: Enter in the patient's ID. Most commonly used for government IDs. This field auto populates in the background if the pharmacy is signed up with Amerisource's Elevate program.

  • Social Security #: Enter in the patient's social security number.

  • Nursing Home: Choose the nursing home this patient belongs to, if any. The EDIT NH button displays additional Nursing Home settings as seen below:



  • Patient Code: The Patient Code is a code assigned to the patient by the nursing home. Most nursing homes do not require this field to be printed on their MAR’s.

  • Admission Date: The Admission Date is the date the patient was admitted to the nursing home.

  • Discharge Date: The Discharge Date is the date the patient was discharged from the nursing home.

  • Height / Weight: These fields represent the biometrics on the patient.

  • Floor / Room / Bed: The Floor, Room and Bed will indicate the patient’s location in the nursing home.

  • Attending / Alternate Physician: The physicians will default to whatever was entered in the Nursing Home file for this nursing home.

  • Allergies: The Allergies field allows the pharmacy to enter any allergies that do not appear in the drop-down boxes on the main Patient File screen. On the MAR, we will print all allergies from the drop-down box along with whatever has been inputted into this field.

  • Diagnosis: The Diagnosis field is similar to the Allergies field, but it pertains to the diagnosis of the patient rather than their allergies.

  • Diet: Some MAR’s have a field to enter special dietary instructions. Anything entered into the Diet field will print there.

  • Allergies (optional): Select any and all allergies of the patient by clicking the "Edit" button. On the pop-up screen you can search for the allergies and click their respective entries to add them to the patient. If you'd like to remove an entry, check its box and click the button "Remove". If you wish to remove all allergies simply click the "Remove All" button. When finished adding allergies click "Done"

  • Diagnosis Code (optional): Select any and all diagnosis codes of the patient by clicking the "Edit" button. The search function works the same way as the allergy function.

  • Groups: Displays and allows to add/remove any and all groups the patient record belongs to.

  • Email ID (optional): Enter in the patient’s email ID if applicable.

  • Location Code: Select the appropriate location code using the dropdown list. The default for this is ‘1-Home’. The user may also type in the location code if not on the dropdown list.

  • 340B Patient: Indicate if this patient is a 340B patient or not.

  • Patient Status: Choose whether or not this is an active patient.

  • Residence Code (optional): Enter in the residence code where the patient resides.

  • Deceased Date: If the patient has deceased, indicate the date here.

  • Refill Remind: Select whether or not the patient wants to be reminded of a refill using the dropdown list.

  • Auto Refill: Indicate if you'd like this patient's prescription refills to be automatically added to the queue as per the Auto Refill feature.

  • Med-Sync: Indicate if this patient is on a synchronization schedule for their medications.

  • Next Sync Date: This field displays the next active sync date. To view more options, click the "..." button.

  • Patient History Button will allow you to add medication and date range to keep an itemized record, as well as document some other changes as displayed below.



The MORE button allows entry of data less commonly used:



  • Family Fax (optional): Enter in the fax number of the family the patient belongs to if applicable.

  • Marital Status (optional): Select whether or not the patient is married using the dropdown list.

  • Smoker: Select whether or not the patient is a smoker using the dropdown list. The default for this is ‘No’.

  • Pregnant: Select whether or not the patient is pregnant using the dropdown list.

  • Family e-mail ID (optional): Enter in the family e-mail ID if applicable.

  • Discount % (optional): Enter in the appropriate discount percentage the patient is entitled to.

  • Price Code (optional): Enter in the Price Code for the patient. A Price Code of ‘0’ indicates no Price Code.

  • Quick Code (optional): Enter in a quick code for the patient. The user can enter this quick code while filling Rx to select the patient.

  • Loyalty#: Enter in the loyalty number for the patient.

  • Species: This field is used for prescriptions written for pets. They are treated like regular patients in order to submit claims to insurance companies. Indicate the species with the drop-down box.

  • Animal Name: Enter the name of the animal if this prescription is for a pet.

  • Opt-in For Loyalty: Indicate if this patient should be eligible for the POS Loyalty program(s).

  • Last Flu Shot: Indicate when the patient had their last flu shot.

  • Asembia Patient: Indicate if this patient is on the Asembia platform.


Charge Account Linking

The Edit A/R Link button will let you specify an existing family/organization’s charge account to link the patient to, or add a new account. Once the patient is linked to the account, the account will be listed under the Charge Account setting. This allows the patient to be part of a family, but billed under a different family or organization.


Insurance Plans

This screen is used to enter any and all patient's insurance plans. Enter plans in their own separate areas when entering multiple plans. If you require more plans than what you have, click the "Add Plan (Ctrl + A)" button to add more.



  • Plan 1 (or any other in the list): Enter in the partial or whole plan code, the plan’s record number or click on the search icon next to the field to view all the Insurance Plan Codes.

  • BIN/PCN: These two fields are read only, and therefore are not editable.

  • Primary Plan: Select whether or not the plan being entered is the primary plan using the drop-down list.

  • Card ID: Enter in the Patient ID card number.

  • Person Code (optional): Enter in the person code.

  • Relationship: Select the relation of the patient to the card holder. The default for this is ‘Cardholder’.

  • Group # (optional): Enter in the Group number.

  • Card Holder Name: Enter in the card holder name. This defaults to the patient’s name.

  • Secondary Plan: Choose secondary plan when billing Coordination of Benefits plans. This plan must first be added as a separate record on this screen (ie Plan 2, 3, etc).

  • Eligibility Clarification (optional): Enter in the dependent eligibility code.

  • Remark: Enter in remarks that can be displayed on the Rx processing screen when hovering over the insurance name, and on the insurance split bill screen.


More Options Button Menu

Clicking the "More Options" button will roll out an additional menu pane where most typically optional and seldom used fields have been moved as shown in the example below.



  • Plan ID: Enter in the Plan ID.

  • Facility ID: Enter in the facility ID.

  • OP ID Qual: Enter other payer ID qualifier. Default is 03 for COB billing. For NY and NJ, the default is 99.

  • OP ID: Enter in the other payer ID. This defaults to the primary plan's BIN number. For NY and NJ, please refer to your NCPDP D.0 payer guides for a list of applicable IDs.

  • Mcd Managed Plan: Indicate whether or not this is a Medicaid managed plan.

  • Medicaid State: If required by your medicaid agency.

  • Medicaid ID: If required by your medicaid agency.

  • Mcd Agency #: If required by your medicaid agency.

  • Provider Assignment: Indicate whether or this is a provider assigned prescription. Blank by default.

  • Medigap ID:

  • Home Plan:

  • Location Code: Enter in the location code for the patient.

  • Pharmacy Service Type: Enter in the location code for the patient.

  • Copay % (Brand): Indicate copay percentage for brand medication under this plan.

  • Copay % (Generic): Indicate copay percentage for generic medication under this plan.


Plan Finder

The Plan Finder button will open up an eligibility check screen for you to search for patient insurance information. This works identically to our normal eligibility check screen, but is available from within the patient’s insurance plan screen.



When finished entering in plan information remember to click the ‘Save Plans’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Save Plans’ button is highlighted to save the information entered.


If the ‘Reset’ button is clicked, any information that has been changed, but not saved, will automatically reset to the original information. This can be done for individual plans using the ‘Reset’ buttons on the right side of the screen or for all plans at once using the ‘Reset’ button towards the bottom of the screen.

If the ‘Clear’ button is clicked, any information about that plan will be cleared from the fields. This can be done for individual plans using the ‘Clear’ buttons on the right side of the screen or for all plans at once using the ‘Clear Data’ button towards the bottom of the screen.

Choose the Deactivate option, to the right of the More Options button for individual plans, to deactivate a plan.

If the ‘Delete’ button is clicked, the user will be asked if he/she wants to delete the Insurance Plan details. Once the Insurance Plan details have been deleted they will NOT reappear by clicking the ‘Reset’ button.

Click the ‘Back to Main’ button to go back to the Patient Info screen.

Workman's Comp



This screen is used to enter in the workman comp information for patient. The information entered here will be transmitted for the workman comp claims.



To add a new Worker's Compensation Record, simply click the corresponding button as shown above. To edit a record, simply click it from the list. Regardless of adding or editing a new record, BestRx will display a pop up window as shown below.



  • Employer Name: Enter in the name of the patient’s employer.

  • Claim Reference ID/Injury Description: Enter in a short description of the patient’s injury.

  • Injury Date: Enter in the date the patient suffered the injury.


  • Contact Name: Enter in the name of the appropriate contact that is handling this claim for the Employer.

  • Contact Address Fields: Enter all address information if required.

  • Contact Phone Number: Enter the phone number if required.


  • Employer ID: For a new Employer, enter in the Employer ID and fill out the rest of the page. To search for an existing Employer, enter in the Employer ID and press "Enter".

  • Carrier ID: Enter the carrier ID if required.


The following fields are used if the claim will be paid elsewhere.

  • Billing Entity Type: Specify how this payment will be handled.

  • Pay to ID Qualifier: Specify the ID qualifier for the payee.

  • Pay to ID: Enter the ID for the payee.

  • Pay to Name: Enter name of payee.

  • Pay to Address Info: Enter address information for the payee.


  • Insurance Plan Code: Indicate which insurance specifically to attach this record to when sending claims.

  • Active: Indicate if this worker's compensation record should be active.


Click the ‘Save Employer’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Save Employer’ button is highlighted when finished entering in Workman’s comp information.

If the ‘Reset’ button is clicked, any information that has been changed, but not saved, will automatically reset to the original information.

If the ‘Delete Employer’ button is clicked, the user will be asked if he/she wants to delete the Employer details. Once the Employer details have been deleted they will NOT reappear by clicking the ‘Reset’ button.

If the ‘Clear Data’ button is clicked, any information about that plan will be cleared from the fields.

Click the ‘Back to Main’ button to go back to the Patient Info screen.


The Remarks screen offers a way to keep notes on the patient. You can choose to enter individual patient, family, or HIPAA remarks.



When you've entered the information as necessary, make sure to save the information by clicking the "Back to Main" button, or pressing F8 on your keyboard and clicking "Save & Exit" in the bottom left of the Patient Info screen.

Family Members

The Family Members screen will display all the family members the patient has in the system.



To add or remove a patient from a family list, go to the Patient Info screen. In the Family field enter or remove the family name accordingly and save the information.


To go back to the Patient Info screen, click the "Back to Main" button or simply press F8 on your keyboard.

Billing Info

As noted, the patient's billing address automatically defaults to the address you have entered on the Patient Info screen. Only enter an address if it is different than the regular address.



You can enter the patient's Credit Card info for billing purposes if you have our BestPOS register software at the pharmacy by clicking the "Add New Payment Card" button.

The credit card number sequence determines the bank type (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, FSA, etc) and the Card Type (Credit, Debit or FSA). In order for any of these types to match, the system checks against a known "BIN" type provided by a merchant group to us to recognize authentic numbers and assist in entry. If the type does not change and you believe it should, it may be either the card number is not correctly assigned as that type, or other.

After entering all pertinent information, click the "Save Card Info" button to save the card details; you can also "Cancel" to get back to the previous screen, or "Delete" the card information.


When the card info is entered, the program hides the number and expiration date with exception to the last 4 digits of the card number displayed to the right of the field. The card number and/or expiration date cannot be retrieved after being entered, they can only be cleared for another number entry.


When finished working with the card details, you can use the following functions on the main Billing Info window:

Click the "Save" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Save" button is highlighted when finished entering in Billing Address information.

If the "Reset" button is clicked, any information that has been changed, but not saved, will automatically reset to the original information.

If the "Delete Address" button is clicked, the user will be asked if he/she wants to delete the Billing Address details. Once the Billing Address details have been deleted they will NOT reappear by clicking the "Reset" button.

If the "Clear" button is clicked, any information about the Billing Address will be cleared from the fields.

Click the ‘Back to Main’ button to go back to the Patient Info screen.


The Documents screen will display all the documents that have been created/attached to the particular patient. This currently supports any document that can be scanned with your BestRx compatible scanner. If your pharmacy does not currently have the RX Scanning / Document feature, please inquire for more information.



To add a document, click the "Add Document" button..



Name the document you're adding with any remarks; alternatively choose if you'd like to scan both sides, multiple pages, and/or in color.


The scan will begin promptly afterward clicking the Scan button, and the image will display in the right section of the page when it's finished if scanning the document.


Any document or photograph can be captured into the software by utilizing a camera attached to the computer, as long as the computer recognizes and is able to capture the image from your camera. Click the Capture button to start image capture.


You can change the camera using the Device Name drop down box if the image is not displaying or capturing from a different device; you can also change the Resolution of the image with the appropriate drop down box of its own. In order to change or adjust any additional camera options, click the Settings Gear.


You can also import eligible documents from your computer into the BestRx system by clicking "Import Saved Documents".


The supported file formats are listed as shown above; PDF, GIF, BMP, JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIF, TIFF, and TXT are all supported. Select your documents by pressing the "Add Documents" button for each document you wish to import. When done, simply click "Finish Importing" and to get back to the previous menu click "Back to Scan".


You can view, Print, Download, Fax or Delete any of the added documents simply by clicking the desired document from the list and selecting the appropriate function in the button segment below the preview pane.


Faxing (Internet Faxing customers only)

Fax control appears in every document tab; it may be disabled until a document in the left pane is selected. The feature may also be accessed from the dashboard or the notification bar, if configured as such.


Clicking the button opens another window where you will have the opportunity to enter the Receiver's information, include a coversheet, add additional documents from outside of BestRx, and finally an option to scan any document on the fly to include with the fax. Before sending the fax, you are also able to preview it prior to sending by selecting "Preview & Send". Otherwise, you may press "Send" when ready.


The documents feature is duplex compatible just like the regular scanning features for prescription, and additional pages can be scrolled through using the "<" and ">" buttons. You can also zoom in and out on the document using the corresponding (+) and (-) icons.


The Options button will display options for your scanner device.


If the patient has any eCare Plans attached, they will display under their own tab.



To go back to the Patient Info screen, click the "Back to Main" button or simply press F8 on your keyboard.


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