10. Insurance Group File

10. Insurance Group File

To access the Insurance Group File, go to File → 10. Insurance Group File.

Insurance Group File

Insurance Groups allow you to group insurances under custom headers for an easier time searching in other reports in BestRx. This allows you to quickly search for information pertaining to insurances under a certain group without having to search and select each one individually. By default, no groups exist in BestRx. They need to be created manually.


Creating an Insurance Plan Group

Open the Insurance Group File and click Add Insurance Plan Group.


Enter in a name at the top for your group. Then, use the search bar below to look up insurance plans by Insurance Plan Name, Plan Code, BIN #, or PCN/Proc Control #. You can select as many of the resulting plans as possible to add, and then click Add Selected Insurance Plans to Group to add the plans to your new group. Once added, they will appear in the list below. To save the group, click Save or Save & Exit at the bottom left.


Using Groups When Searching

Now that a group has been created, you can use it in most reports that let you search by plan. Simply enter the group name, and it will appear as a search result with the Plan Codes of the group’s plans listed with it.



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