6. Drug File

6. Drug File

To access the Drug file (from the Rx Processing Screen) press the ‘F4’ key, click on the ‘Drug’ button towards the left of the screen or click on File -> 6. Drug File.


Drug Fields

  • Drug Description: Enter in the name of the drug in ‘Name,Strength’ format. When searching for a drug, enter in the whole or partial drug name and press the "Enter" key.

  • NDC / Product ID: Enter in the drug’s NDC number.

  • Medicaid No: Enter in the drug’s Medicaid number.

  • Medicare No: Enter in the drug’s Product ID.

  • Product ID Qualifier: Indicate the proper product ID qualifier from the drop-down list. Default is 03 - National Drug Code (NDC).


  • Package Size: Enter in the package size of the drug.

  • Medicaid Pkg Size: Enter in the Medicaid package size of the drug.

  • Default Dispense Qty: Enter in the default dispense quantity for when this drug is selected.

  • Unit of Measure: Select the appropriate unit of measure for the drug using the dropdown list. The default for this is ‘Each’.


  • Drug AWP: Enter in the Actual Wholesale Price of the drug.

  • Direct Price: Enter in the direct price of the drug. The default for this is the Drug AWP price.

  • Fed MAC Price: Enter in the Federal MAC price of the drug. The default for this is the Drug AWP price.

  • Custom Dispense Price: Enter in a custom dispense price based on the package size to override other fields.

  • Acquisition Cost: Enter in the acquisition cost of the drug. The default for this is 14% off the AWP.

  • Last Price Update: Enter in the last date the drug had a price update.

  • Price Code: Enter in the price schedule code for the drug. For cash plans only this price code will take priority over the price code in the insurance plan.


  • Current Qty on Hand: This displays your current quantity on hand. This number can be adjusted if your inventory doesn't match.

  • Minimum Qty on Hand: Enter in the minimum quantity that you'd like to keep on hand.


  • Manufacturer: Enter in the manufacturer of the drug.

  • Lot Exp Date: Enter in the Lot Expiration Date for the drug.

  • Lot #: Enter in the lot number of the drug.

  • Quick Code: Enter in the Quick Code for this drug. When searching, enter in the drug code and press the "Enter" key.


  • Control Class: Select the control type of the drug using the dropdown list.

  • Generic Drug: Select whether or not the drug is a generic drug using the dropdown list.

  • Maintenance Medication: Indicate if this is a maintenance type medication.

  • Groups: Displays and allows to add/remove any and all groups this drug record belongs to.


  • Active Drug: Indicate if this is an active drug.

  • Preferred Drug: Indicate if you’d like this drug to appear at the top of search results when multiple results appear for your search.

  • Compound Drug: Indicate if this is a compound medication.

  • Drug in Robot: Indicate if this drug is held in your robot or dispensing machine.

    • You can indicate if the drug is in all robots (Yes), none of them (No), or just specific ones. You can view these options by clicking the pen next to the Drugs in Robot field.

  • 340B Drug: Indicate if this is a 340B drug. Default is "No".

  • EDI Type: Indicate whether this is a normal drug or LTC only for EDI purposes.

  • Hazardous: Indicate whether the drug is hazardous. This field is usually set by data retrieved from Medispan, and when set to Yes, enables you to view Hazard class, activities, etc. by clicking the Hazardous Drug link on the main Rx Processing screen when this drug is selected.

  • Opioids: Indicate whether this drug is an opioid.


  • Prompt for Diag. Code: Indicate whether prescriptions using this drug should ask for a diagnosis code. For non-control drugs, the default will be set to No. For controlled substances, the default will be set to Use Value from Pharmacy Setup, which will use the value in the pharmacy setup file in Misc (page 1). You can also set this to Yes to prompt for a diagnosis code, no matter what is configured in the pharmacy setup file.



  • Reference # Qualifier: Enter in the reference number qualifier. Default is 1 - RX Billing.

  • Default DAW: Choose the default dispense as written code from the drop-down box.

  • Immunization: Indicate if you'd like this drug to be linked to a specific Immunization. You can add new immunizations in the Immunization Type File.


  • Drug Type: Select whether the drug is an Rx or an OTC using the dropdown list. The default for this is ‘Rx’.

  • Generic Available: Select whether or not a generic version of the drug is available using the dropdown list.

  • Specialty Drug: Indicate if this is a specialty medication.


  • Pkg Use Ind: Package Use Indicator. Select what kind of packaging the drug will use, if applicable.

  • Pkg Breakable: Indicate whether the package is breakable or not. If Yes, then part of the package can be dispensed. If No, then the whole package must be dispensed at once.


  • Switch for Sending Claims: Specify what switch should be used for sending claims using this NDC. Choose whether to use the value in the Pharmacy Setup screen, Relay Health, or Change Healthcare.

    • The system will prioritize what switch to send to by looking at the following settings:

      • First Priority: Drug File

      • Second Priority: Insurance File

      • Third Priority: Pharmacy Setup File

  • Default DUR Reason for Service Code: Set the default DUR Reason for Service code when a claim needs to be split billed using this drug.

  • Default DUR Professional Service Code: Set the default DUR Professional Service code when a claim needs to be split billed using this drug.

  • Default DUR Result of Service Code: Set the default DUR Result of Service code when a claim needs to be split billed using this drug.


  • Warning Code: Enter in the warning code for the drug or search for a warning code by clicking the search button when the field is empty. A Warning Label Code of ‘0’ indicates there is no code for the drug.

  • Sig Code(s): Enter in the Sig Code of the drug. The user may also search for the Sig Code by entering in the whole or part of the Sig Code and pressing the "Enter" key. The user may also see all the Sig Codes by clicking the search button when the field is empty.


  • Refills Expire In: Choose when you'd like refills to expire that use this medication. Default is "Default from Plan".

  • Maximum Refills: Indicate if you'd like to have a maximum allowed number of refills for this medication.

  • Code One Restriction: Indicate whether a code one restriction applies.


  • NY DVS Code: Enter in the New York Medicaid DVS code of the drug.

  • Category of Service: Enter in the category of service of the drug.


  • Custom FastPakID: Enter in a custom ID to use for this drug when sending to FastPak.

  • FastPakID to Send: The ID that is being sent to FastPak.

Adding a New Drug

To add a new drug from the Rx Processing screen put the focus in the Drug field and make sure it is empty. Then either press the ‘F4’ key, click on the ‘Drug’ button towards the left of the screen or click on File -> 4. Drug File.

When adding a new drug make sure the Add New Drug option is selected towards the top of the screen. Enter in the drug information (see below for a description of field meanings) and click the ‘Save’ button to save the information or click the ‘Save & Exit’ button to save the information and go to the Rx Processing screen.

Editing an Existing Drug

To edit an existing drug from the Rx Processing screen enter in the drug name in the Drug field. Then either press the ‘F4’ key, click on the ‘Drug’ button towards the left of the screen or click on File -> 5. Drug File.

When editing an existing drug make sure the Edit Drug option is selected towards the top of the screen. Enter in the appropriate information to be edited and click the ‘Save’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Save’ button is highlighted to save the information. Click the ‘Save & Exit’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Save & Exit’ button is highlighted to save the information and go to the Rx Processing screen.

When the Display Drug option is selected towards the top of the screen the user cannot edit any information, only view it.

Copying a Drug

If a drug has nearly the same information as another drug the user can click the ‘Copy Drug’ button and the system will keep all the same information except the NDC #, Medicaid No., Medicare, Drug Color, Drug Quick Code, and Preferred Drug. Enter in the rest of the necessary information and click the ‘Save’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Save’ button is highlighted to save the information. Click the ‘Save & Exit’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Save & Exit’ button is highlighted to save the information and go to the Rx Processing screen.

Deleting a Drug

The user may only delete a drug IF the drug has NOT been used to fill a prescription in the system. To do this make sure the Edit Drug option towards the top of the screen is selected. Enter in the drug name and press the ‘Enter’ key. Then click the ‘Delete’ button and click ‘Yes’ when the system asks “Are you sure you want to delete this record?


The user may also clear all the data displayed on the screen by clicking the ‘Cancel’ button or by pressing the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Cancel’ button is highlighted.

Price Formulary

Price Formularies can be built for in-house loyalty, senior discounts, or potentially other uses. This feature is directly linked to the Price Formulary File, and allows for price formularies to be attached to a specific insurance.


Price Formulary page of the Drug screen



To add a Price Formulary click the Add/Edit Price Formulary button. The software will display a pop-up window as shown below, and give the user the ability to create new Formularies based on information entered in the Price Formulary File in BestRx. Alternatively this can be kept as default, only utilizing the Basic Cash Formulary, however please note that the pricing will apply whenever you dispense a cash prescription for the drug. More information is presented on this screen on the left as shown above.



Choose the formulary to attach by selecting it from the Formulary Name drop-down box, then enter in the quantities and Retail Price for the correlating quantity, and continue until all desired ranges have been entered. When finished, remember to click the ‘Save & Exit’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Save & Exit’ button is highlighted to work on other formularies.

To edit a Price Formulary, bring up the drug in Edit mode. Go to the Price Formulary screen and click the "Edit Formulary" link next to the entry you wish to edit. Enter in the quantities and retail prices in the appropriate fields. When finished, remember to click the ‘Save & Exit’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Save & Exit’ button is highlighted to work on other formularies.

To delete a Price Formulary first pull up the formulary in edit as outlined above, then click on the ‘Delete’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Delete’ button is highlighted. Click the ‘Yes’ button when the system asks “Are you sure you want to delete this Drug Price Formulary?” to delete the Price Formulary.

To clear all the quantities and retail prices displayed on the screen, click the ‘Cancel’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Cancel’ button is highlighted.

To exit the screen simply click "Exit" in the bottom right.

Click the ‘Back to Main’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Back to Main’ button is highlighted to go to the Drug Info screen when finished.

Equivalent Drugs

Brand / Generic link determines the relationship of a generic to a brand drug. To utilize this feature, make sure you are editing the brand drug as it will not work from the generic.



To enter in a Brand/Generic link the system must be in Edit mode. To add a drug to the list, enter in the whole or partial name of the drug in the Generic Drug To Link field and press the ‘Enter’ key or click on the search button next to the field. Then choose the appropriate drug from the list by clicking anywhere on the row of the drug to complete the link. To remove a drug from the Generics Linked to this Drug list simply click anywhere on the row of the drug to be removed or enter in the line number in the field below the list and click the ‘Remove’ button (or press the ‘Enter’ key). Next, click the ‘Yes’ button when the system asks “Are you sure you want to Remove the link for ‘drug name’?” to remove the link.


Click the ‘Back to Main’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Back to Main’ button is highlighted to go to the Drug Info screen.

Drug Education

The drug information screen will list information about the drug you are working with. For generics, the brand drug may have to be used to get the drug information message.



The screen offers four separate tabs each with different messages, as long as brief information line in the top section informing the user which RX# and Drug they're working with.


Long Counseling - This is the long version of a counseling message you might be familiar with from your labels. These messages are provide both in English and Spanish. You can print the message with the buttons to the bottom left of the screen. The print defaults to your report printer.


Short Counseling - This is the short version of the counseling message for your medication. You can print this message with the same buttons as the long message.


Auxiliary Warnings - This tab displays the default auxiliary warning messages provided by the database company as well as custom warning messages if applicable. This page cannot be printed.


Medication Guide - These guides are provided directly by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and also cannot be manipulated. The database for these drugs is rather small, and you may find a lot of the medication in your system does not have one of these guides available. If you come across a drug that does, hover your mouse by the middle bottom part of the window to print or manipulate the view of the guide.


Click the ‘Back to Main’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Back to Main’ button is highlighted to go to the Drug Info screen.

Compound Details

This screen is used when a user would like to submit a compound prescription to the insurance company. As of the NCPDP D.0 change, this information is required in order to process compound prescriptions successfully.



Make sure you are in "Edit" mode of the drug you're working with. To add compound details to this drug fill out the appropriate fields:


Compound Type: This is used to indicate the type of the compound you are making.

Level of Effort : Indicate the level of effort if any. In most situations the level of effort will not exceed 13 - Level 3 and the insurance will not pay above that level. It is the pharmacy's responsibility to determine the level of effort in coordination with the insurance company. 00- Not Specified, 11- Level 1 (Lowest, 1 to 4 minutes of time), 12- Level 2 (Low Complexity, 5 to 14 minutes of time), 13- Level 3 (Moderate Complexity, 15 to 29 minutes of time), 14- Level 4 (High Complexity, 30 to 59 minutes of time), 15- Level 5 (Highest, equal or greater than 60 minutes of time)

Route of Admin: Pick the correct route of administration from the drop-down box. Use D.0 codes only!

Dosage Form: Indicate the dosage form for the compound.

Dispensing Unit: Indicate how this compound will be dispensed

Product ID Qualifier: This is the qualifier for the ingredient you are entering. By default this value is '03 - National Drug Code (NDC)'

Drug Name / Product ID: Enter in the Drug Name or NDC. This field works the same way as other search fields. You can search by partial name/NDC and pick the correct listing from the results below.

Quantity: Indicate the quantity of the ingredient used.

Basis of Cost: Select what the cost basis should be used for this ingredient. Default is '01 - AWP'

Modifiers: Enter in any modifiers (such as procedure modifier)


With the ingredient details entered, click the "Add Ingredient" button. Continue entering your ingredients until you have all in the list.


In order to modify any of the ingredients on this screen, make sure you are selecting the ingredient first. The same goes for removing an ingredient; make sure the ingredient is selected and click "Delete Compound Info".


If you wish to delete the entire segment, click "Delete Compound Info" with nothing selected.

If you'd like to print the details, simply click "Print Compound Info".

To go back to the Drug Info screen, click the "Back to Main" button.

Vendor Item

The Vendor item screen is used to display/enter in vendor information for the medication you've selected. If you are using our wholesaler interface, the module will attempt to automatically fill out this information based on files your supplier is sending you.



You can enter in the information as follows:


Vendor: Choose your vendor from the drop-down box. If your vendor is missing, go to Inventory -> 3. Vendor File to enter one in.

Vendor Item #: Enter the vendor's item number that matches this medication.

Package Size: This value is automatically filled out based on the package size used on the main Drug Info screen.

Default Pkg's to Order: Enter in the default packages you order with your vendor.

Default Units to Order: This value is automatically filled out based on package size and the default packages you order. For example, on a package size of 100 with default packages to order being 5, the default units would show 500 units.

Package Acq Cost: Enter in your acquisition cost from the supplier for each package.

Primary Vendor: Select whether or not this is the primary vendor for this medication.


When you have entered all information, simply click "Save" to attach this information to the medication. If you'd like to clear what you've entered, simply click "Clear".


If you no longer order this medicine from a supplier or would like to remove the details, select the supplier in the right window pane and click "Remove" below. If have multiple records and you'd like to remove them all, click "Remove All".


To go back to the Drug Info screen, click "Back to Main".


This screen is used to display any and all allergies that interact with the medication.



You can scroll through the list by using the scroll bar on the right.


To go back to the Drug Info screen, click "Back to Main".


The Documents screen will display all the documents that have been created/attached to the particular patient. This currently supports any document that can be scanned with your BestRx compatible scanner. If your pharmacy does not currently have the RX Scanning / Document feature, please inquire for more information.



To add a document, click the "Add Document" button..



Name the document you're adding with any remarks; alternatively choose if you'd like to scan both sides, multiple pages, and/or in color.


The scan will begin promptly afterward clicking the Scan button, and the image will display in the right section of the page when it's finished if scanning the document.


Any document or photograph can be captured into the software by utilizing a camera attached to the computer, as long as the computer recognizes and is able to capture the image from your camera. Click the Capture button to start image capture.


You can change the camera using the Device Name drop down box if the image is not displaying or capturing from a different device; you can also change the Resolution of the image with the appropriate drop down box of its own. In order to change or adjust any additional camera options, click the Settings Gear.


You can also import eligible documents from your computer into the BestRx system by clicking "Import Saved Documents".


The supported file formats are listed as shown above; PDF, GIF, BMP, JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIF, TIFF, and TXT are all supported. Select your documents by pressing the "Add Documents" button for each document you wish to import. When done, simply click "Finish Importing" and to get back to the previous menu click "Back to Scan".


You can view, Print, Download, Fax or Delete any of the added documents simply by clicking the desired document from the list and selecting the appropriate function in the button segment below the preview pane.


Faxing (Internet Faxing customers only)

Fax control appears in every document tab; it may be disabled until a document in the left pane is selected. The feature may also be accessed from the dashboard or the notification bar, if configured as such.


Clicking the button opens another window where you will have the opportunity to enter the Receiver's information, include a coversheet, add additional documents from outside of BestRx, and finally an option to scan any document on the fly to include with the fax. Before sending the fax, you are also able to preview it prior to sending by selecting "Preview & Send". Otherwise, you may press "Send" when ready.


The documents feature is duplex compatible just like the regular scanning features for prescription, and additional pages can be scrolled through using the "<" and ">" buttons. You can also zoom in and out on the document using the corresponding (+) and (-) icons.


The Options button will display options for your scanner device.


To go back to the Patient Info screen, click the "Back to Main" button or simply press F8 on your keyboard.


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