

Compound Details Screen as attached to the current Prescription

This screen is used when a user would like to submit a compound prescription to the insurance company with multiple ingredients. As of the NCPDP D.0 change, this information is required in order to process compound prescriptions successfully. Drug information attached to the compound will also calculate properly if a prescription is entered in for a different quantity, i.e. if a compound is built for a quantity of 90, but a quantity of 120 is required for a prescription; the software will automatically adjust quantities of each individual ingredient in order to retain correct compound ratios.

Information on this screen can be entered manually, however it is most efficient to use compound information from your created compound drugs since this screen directly mimics the compound screen from the drug file. To do this, you can either select to use the compound information on the pop-up screen after selecting your medication:


Or you can click the "Get Details from Drug File" button on the bottom left of the screen to copy details from the drug file of selected compound.

In order to modify any of the ingredients on this screen, make sure you are selecting the ingredient first. The same goes for removing an ingredient; make sure the ingredient is selected and click "Delete Compound Info".

If you wish to delete the entire segment, click "Delete Compound Info" with nothing selected.

If you'd like to print the details, simply click "Print Compound Info".

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