Equivalent Drug Substitution

Equivalent Drug Substitution


Added in August 2021, we have added an Equivalent Drug Substitution function, accessible from the E button next to the drug name.



Pressing this button when filling a new prescription will pull up a list of drugs equivalent to the one selected in the Drug field. If the drug is a generic, it will pull up generic equivalents. If the drug is a brand drug, the screen will pull up brand equivalents. If you want to show both, there will be an option at the top right to show the opposite type; the option will show brand equivalents if your original drug was a generic, and will show generic equivalents when the original drug was a brand drug.



If your Rx Status is Paid - Cash, Unbilled, or Rejected, the filled drug will be replaced with your selected equivalent drug and you may continue as normal with your workflow.


If the Rx is on Hold, the equivalent drug screen will not appear.


If the Rx Status is Transmitted or Paid By Ins, a prompt will ask you to confirm the change to the equivalent drug, and ask if you’d like to reverse and rebill.



Selecting Yes will bring up the Reverse and Rebill Prescription screen, which will reverse the paid claim and rebill with the new equivalent drug.



Once the drug has reversed and rebilled successfully, any Drug Interactions/Theraputic Duplication warnings will appear as normal to be confirmed again.


DAW codes are handled depending on your setting in File → I. Pharmacy Setup → Misc. (Page 2) → Action for DAW during Equivalent Substitution. If this option is set to 1. Prompt user to select DAW, you will be prompted to select the DAW code when picking an equivalent drug.


If the setting is set to 2. Auto-Select DAW based on the drug, then the DAW will be automatically replaced based on the drug type, using the following criteria:

  • If the drug is substituted from brand to generic, then the DAW code will be set to 0.

  • If the drug is substituted from generic to brand, then the DAW code will be set to 1.

  • If the substituted drug is the same type as the previously filled drug (Brand to Brand; Generic to Generic), then the DAW code will not change.

  • If the substituted drug has the default DAW code set in the Drug File, then the DAW code will be replaced with the default DAW code.




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