Verify before Dispense

Verify before Dispense

The Verify before Dispense function works in the same manner as the Verify before Fill function does. It is used to verify the prescription before dispensing it to the patient. With the prescription ready, simply enter the Rx number or scan the barcode into the field. If you need to verify an older prescription but no longer have a barcode, simply enter it in this format (without quotes) "RX+7_digit_RX#+YYMMDD"; the software will appropriately pull up the older prescription. If the prescription number is less than 7 digits, simply add enough zeros to the beginning of the RX number to adjust. This menu can be accessed from the Notification Bar or through its button located on the Dashboard if configured as such.


The Verify Before Dispense screen

The screen will display some fields in YELLOW color; these fields are going to require extra verification. In order for the user to verify that field, simply click on the field and the field will turn GREEN. The prescription cannot be verified until all YELLOW fields have been clicked and turned GREEN. The purpose of this functionality is to try to perform a more thorough verification of the prescription. Refill prescriptions will automatically carry over verified fields, unless changes happened to the prescription, which will require re-verification.

By default, the fields that require extra verification are Patient Name, Drug Name, Qty Filled and Sig Directions; however, this is customizable by clicking the GEAR in the upper right hand corner, launching the option box as shown below.


From this settings screen you can indicate not only which fields require extra verification by clicking the corresponding "Yes" and "No" fields, but you can also add or remove fields that will be displayed on the verification screen with the "Add" and "Remove" links on the left hand side; this screen also allows the users to sort the fields as they choose using the UP and DOWN arrows. The changes will immediately display on the right and allow you to see them live. The Verification settings for Verify before Fill and Dispense do not share, and can be customized separately from each other.

When you've successfully verified the prescription, click the "Verify Rx" button and enter your password.

Scanning capabilities from Verify before Fill/Dispense Screens

This feature will allow pharmacy to scan Rx image from Verify screens. We have now added Rx Image (f11) link at the bottom of the Verify Screens which will open default Rx Image Scan screen to perform a scan.

Verify Rxs using Shortcut Key (Spacebar)

Verify each field using Spacebar so pharmacist/techs can complete Rx verifications in a continuous flow without touching mouse.

There is a check box on Verify screens needs to be checked in order to use Spacebar to Verify Rx fields, This setting will be saved once it is first time used so it doesn’t need to be checked every time.


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