Claim Response

Claim Response

Claim Response Screen

Enter in the Rx# and press the "Enter" key to display the claim response (unless already editing a prescription, in which case the screen will be automatically populated). If there is only one response, it will be displayed. If there is more than one response, a selection grid will pop up and you will need to choose which response you want to display by clicking anywhere on the line of the claim response. To go back to the list of responses, click the "Display All" button. To scroll through responses, use the "Newer/Older" buttons. To print the response, click the "Print" button. BestRx also has the ability to display claim data for previously sent claims; simply select the claim response, and click the "View Claim Data" button.

View Claim Data

To View the Last Claim File for the specific transmission, pull up that transmission first by clicking on Display Claim Response; select the transmission you wish to view (if more than one), then click the View Claim Data button.


View Claim Data Pop-up

The View Claim Data function allows the user to view the raw data that was transmitted to the insurance company for the selected claim. This information is accompanied by their respective field numbers, and can assist the user on finding out what fields require information specified by insurance. A full description of codes used within BestRx can be found in the NCPDP Tranmission Codes article.

You can change between the segments simply by clicking them on the left side of the screen to view the information sent inside them.

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