E. Import Rxs from Mobile Device

E. Import Rxs from Mobile Device

To import signatures from a Mobile Device, click on Dispense / Delivery -> E. Import RXs from Mobile Device.


Import Signatures from Mobile Device Screen


Import Rxs from Mobile Device

This screen's function is to import signatures stored on your Mobile Delivery Device. With the device specified and connected, click the "Import Signatures" button to import signatures stored on the device.


If there are prescriptions on the device that have either not been delivered or signed for, you can remove them from the device or re-send them to the device to attempt to redeliver and get signatures for them. Use the "Remove RXs from Mobile Device" to remove them, or "Send RXs to Mobile Device" to resend them.


The user may also clear all the data displayed on the screen by clicking the "Clear" button or by pressing the "Enter" key when the "Clear" button is highlighted.


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