Dispensing Options

Dispensing Options

To access the Dispensing Options screen, click on Dispense / Delivery -> Dispensing Options.



Dispensing Options

This screen allows the pharmacy to print the optional QR Code on delivery tickets, or completely customize the Delivery Ticket Disclaimer. The pharmacy can always revert back to the default message by simply clicking "Set Default".


Please note and keep in mind that the software does NOT save the modified disclaimer, and it is completely and irreversibly lost if "Set Default" is pressed.



Mobile/Cloud Delivery Settings


Automatically add delivery transactions to queue

  • Manual: Rxs must be manually sent to the delivery queue.

  • All delivery transactions: Any Rx set as a delivery prescription will be sent to the delivery queue.

  • All delivery transactions with assigned driver: Any Rx set as a delivery prescription and with an assigned driver will be sent to the delivery queue.

Select action when transactions added to the delivery queue from 'Send Rxs to Delivery Queue'

  • Prompt: The system will ask if the Rx should be marked as Picked Up By Driver or just placed in the delivery queue.

  • In delivery queue and waiting for pickup: Rx will be placed in the delivery queue, but not marked as picked up by driver.

  • Picked up by driver/Ready for delivery: Rx will be marked as picked up by driver automatically after sending to the delivery queue.

Select action when transactions added to the delivery queue from 'Delivery Reports'

  • Prompt: The system will ask if the Rx should be marked as Picked Up By Driver or just placed in the delivery queue.

  • In delivery queue and waiting for pickup: Rx will be placed in the delivery queue, but not marked as picked up by driver.

  • Picked up by driver/Ready for delivery: Rx will be marked as picked up by driver automatically after sending to the delivery queue.

Delivery Window for Rx Expired

Indicates how many days after an Rx is marked as picked up by driver, that the driver has to deliver the prescription before it is automatically removed from the tablet. By default, it is 6 days.

Allow Realtime Payment

Indicates if real time credit card processing is permitted.

Delivery for invoices expire after

Indicates how long an order will remain in the delivery queue. By default, it is 60 days.

Print Delivery Ticket

  • Yes: BestRx will automatically print a delivery ticket when an Rx is sent to the delivery queue.

  • No: BestRx will not print the delivery ticket automatically, nor will it prompt, when an Rx is sent to the delivery queue.

  • Prompt: BestRx will ask the user if they would like to print out delivery tickets when sending an Rx to the delivery queue.



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