Track & Trace

Track & Trace




To comply with DSCSA Track and Trace requirements, BestRx has implemented several changes to allow the storage of the drug Lot #, Lot Exp Date, and Serial #.

These values can be stored when filling a prescription, creating an IOU, verifying a prescription, when incoming inventory is received, and on received purchases report.

Track & Trace - In Rx Processing

In the Rx Processing screen, a QR Code icon has been added to allow the scanning of the QR Code on the drug bottle. Clicking this icon will open a new form where the code can be scanned.

Screenshot 2024-08-13 112826.png

Scanning the QR code in this screen will capture the Lot number, Lot Exp Date, and Serial number for this prescription. If more than 1 bottle or package was used to fulfill the quantity, the value can be adjusted in the Qty Filled field.

Track & Trace - Rx IOU Tracking

When an IOU is created, the same QR Icon will be present to record the data for the partial qty being dispensed.

After the information is scanned and recorded, the partial fill will display the LOT, Lot Exp Date, and Serial that was used.

Track & Trace - Verification Screens- Data Entry, Verify Before Fill, Verify Before Dispense

All Verification screens have the ability to display the Lot, Lot Exp Date, and Serial while performing a Verification. These can be added from Rx Verify Options.

During Verification, all three values will be displayed if they were input during Rx Processing.

Double clicking in the Lot#, Serial#, or Lot Exp fields will open the Lot Info form where the information can be added or updated from the Verification screens.

Track & Trace - Input Incoming Inventory

Inventory 1. Input Incoming Inventory

In the Input Incoming Inventory screen, the QR code on the drug package or bottle can be scanned in the drug name field and BestRx will capture the Lot, Lot Exp, and Serial. If additional bottles or packages of the same product need to be added, using Ctrl + B on the keyboard will allow those to be entered.

Track & Trace - Received Purchases Report

Inventory 3. Received Purchases Report

This is useful for scanning lot information after processing EDI files from the supplier.

When a drug is selected and the Scan Lot Info button is clicked, the drug details will display, and you can scan the barcode to add lot info. You can also select multiple drugs before clicking Scan Lot Info. After entering the lot info and clicking Ok, the next selected drug will appear.

Lot info can be added from the Received Purchases report by clicking the Scan Lot Info button. If no drug is selected, scanning the barcode will update the lot info if the NDC is found in the list.

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