Batch Rx Processing

Batch Rx Processing


As part of our Standard and Premium Tiers, BestRx supports batch processing functionality when processing prescriptions. This is an optional feature that allows you to group prescriptions by a patient, family, or nursing home, to be processed at the same time when dispensing.


Batch Rx Processing is disabled by default, and must be enabled before use. To do so, navigate to File → Pharmacy Setup → Batch Processing and make sure Batch Processing Enabled is set to Yes.


Here, you can also select what criteria to batch prescriptions by. Select one or more of the options in the Batch Rxs together based on section to your preference.

Once all of your settings are correct, click Save or Save & Exit.


There are a few new screens related to processing prescriptions in batches.

Creating a Batch

Creating a batch happens when creating and saving an Rx for a patient. If an Rx is created for a patient, a batch is automatically created containing just that prescription. This happens in the background, and you won’t see any indication a batch has been made.

When creating and saving the next prescription, the system will check to see if the new Rx should be placed in a previous batch according to patient name, patient family, or nursing home.


Here, you can choose whether the prescription you just created will be placed in an existing batch, or if a new batch should be created.

Managing a Batch

The Batch Management screen can be accessed by going to Workflow → M. Rx Batch Management.



Searching For Batches

To pull up a batch to manage, choose whether to search by Batch # or Patient/Nursing Home.



If searching by Batch #, enter the number for the batch you’d like to manage.




If searching by Patient/Nursing Home, enter the name/home you want to search for, as well as whether to show only batches for the selected patient, or all batches for members of that patient’s family.



When searching by nursing home, there are no other filters; just enter the name of the nursing home you’d like to find batches for.



Moving/Merging Batches

Prescriptions can be moved from one batch to another, and multiple batches can be merged together.

To move prescriptions to a new batch, select the prescriptions to be moved and click Move to New Batch. If a batch only has one prescription, it cannot be moved to a new batch. The system will ask you to confirm the action with a pop-up window.




To move prescriptions to an existing batch, select the prescriptions to be moved and click Move to Existing Batch. A box will appear that will require you to select the destination batch for your selected prescriptions/batches.



To merge multiple batches together, select the batches to be merged, and select Merge Batches. The system will prompt you to confirm the action before the batches are merged.



Displaying Dispensed Batches

By checking the box next to Display: Dispensed Batches at the top right, the system will make any dispensed batches visible. Normally, these are hidden when searching for batches.

Dispensing Batches


In the BestPOS system, you can search for batches by entering the batch number into the Item SKU field, prefixed by BT. For example, if you wanted to ring up batch 22, you would type BT22 into the Item SKU field, and hit enter.



If there are prescriptions in the batch that are not ready to be dispensed, the system will bring up the Batch Management screen to show you which ones are not ready to be dispensed. This screen displays the total number of prescriptions ready to be dispensed at the top right.



If there are no prescriptions in the batch that are ready to be dispensed, a pop-up will let you know.




After the batch has been pulled up, a Batch button appears at the top of the POS window. This button allows you to pull up other batches for the same patient, patients within the original patient’s family, or patients within the original patient’s nursing home.



Once the desired prescriptions are pulled up, they are dispensed in the same manner as non-batched prescriptions.



Dispensing batched prescriptions in E-Signature is similar to dispensing in BestPOS.


To select a batch to be signed for, enter the batch number into the Batch or Rx# or Patient Name field, prefixed by BT. For example, if you wanted to ring up batch 22, you would type BT22 into the Item SKU field, and hit enter.


The system will display a list of prescriptions that are ready to be dispensed. You can choose whether to continue with the batch by clicking the Continue button at the bottom left. Once the prescriptions have been pulled up, you can click the Capture Signature button to begin the signing process.


Label Variables

Attempting to edit your label on your own runs the risk of misaligning your label, or losing text that is needed. There is no undo function in the label designer. Please reach out to BestRx for any label adjustments.

There are two label variables related to Batch Rx Processing:

  • 353 - Batch Number: Will display “Batch #: **”, where ** is the batch number (ex. Batch #: 102).

  • 354 - Batch Rx Order Number: Will display “Batched Rx: ‘a' of ‘b'”, where 'a’ is the order of the Rx in the batch, and 'b’ is the total number of Rxs in the batch (ex. Batched Rx: 1 of 2).

In addition, a barcode has been added if you would like to scan the batch into BestPOS or the E-Signature program. This barcode will read as BT**, where ** is the batch number (ex. BT08)


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