7. Unit/Multi Dose Packaging

7. Unit/Multi Dose Packaging





This function provides the user the ability to print their desired prescriptions onto Unit/Multi Dose packaging; blister packs as they are more commonly known. BestRx currently supports solutions from Dispill, DosePlanner, Manchac/DOSIS, MedicineOnTime, OmniCell, ParataPass, PAS FlexRx, PAS FlexRxLite, TCGRx Pouch, and TCGRx Vial, with additional interfaces on the Export Type Provider List as they are programmed as demand for them rises.

To access Unit/Multi Dosage Packaging, click on LTC 7. Unit/Multi Dosage Packaging

Screenshot 2024-09-17 154440.png

Unit/Dose Packaging Settings

  • Export Type: Exports report to Unit Dose Blister Packaging program you choose (Ex. Dispill, most commonly used)

  • Generate For: Choose if you'd like to generate this report for the LTC facility (Nursing Home) or Patient.

  • Nursing Home: Select the facility you’d like to filter when generating the report.

  • Cycle: Filters for prescriptions that are Not on Any Cycle, on Any Cycle, or select a specific cycle fill.

  • Pkg Range - From: Choose the date range for this report by selecting the dates From and To.

  • RXs to show: Indicate if you'd like to display all, or only MAR prescriptions

  • Edit Times Ranges: Allows users to define the time ranges for Dispill and allows to define time periods for Parata.

  • Advanced Options: Allows users to filer the report with more filters depending on the unit/dose packaging software used.

  • Print Weekly Planner: Prints out medication schedule and information to be checked. See weekly planner example.

When ready generate your report. In addition, when you fill a new prescription, BestRx will search for an older prescription for an equivalent drug. If one is found and that prescription already has Dosage Info linked to it, the software will prompt and ask if you would like to copy that dosage info over to the new prescription. This will save time by eliminating unnecessary data entry.

The user may also clear all the data displayed on the screen by clicking the ‘Clear’ button or by pressing the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Clear’ button is highlighted.

Export Type Provider List

Below is the following list of approved multi dose packaging software's that BestRx is able to export to, make sure to contact Support for assistance as each software may have a different configuration.

(Dispill, DosePlanner, FastPak Exp, Manchac/Dosis, Medicine-On-Time, Omnicell, ParataPass, PAS FlexRx, PAS FlexRx Lite, RxSafe RapidPakRx, SyncMed, TCGRx Pouch, TCGRx Vial, and Yuyama)

Send to ____ (Example. Dispill)

In this example, we are using Dispill. The button may look different depending on the Unit Dose Software you use. It may look like ‘Send to Rapid Pak, Parata..etc..'

To set up Dispill download the Dispill Standard Version - Single Computer, this must be done on each computer that Dispill is set up to print for. Make sure to contact BestRx Support for additional details on setup.

To use the Client version, please contact Dispill for more information. BestRx exports data from Unit/Multi Dosage Packaging and assists with Dispill setup. For special configurations or printing formats, contact Dispill at 1-877-361-1995 for assistance.

To send a report to the Multi-Dose interface, select the prescriptions you want to print. You can either select all prescriptions for a patient by checking the box next to their name or choose every prescription by clicking 'Select All.' Once selected, click the 'Send to ____' button for your current interface.

Before exporting, ensure all required fields (especially the red ones) are filled out. You can click 'Sig Instructions' and 'Times' to open the dosage information prompt and enter the necessary details for Unit Dose packaging, like Dispill. If any required fields are missing, you won't be able to export the prescriptions.

Verify (Verify Data Entry, Verify before Fill, and Verify before Dispense)

In addition to above options, the prescriptions can be verified directly from this screen by selecting the appropriate prescriptions and hitting "Verify".

From there the user can “E - Verify Data Entry”, "F - Verify before Fill", "D - Verify before Dispense", or "C - Cancel".

Multi/Dose Unit Packaging - Advanced Options

Depending on the multi dose packaging software integration that is used, BestRx will have different advanced options to filter for the Unit/Dose Packaging settings.

Dispill Advanced Options

PAS FlexRx, and PAS FlexRxLite Advanced Options

Other Providers' Advanced Options

Unit/Dose Packaging - Weekly Planner Print Out

Unit/Dose Packaging - Dispill Example Print Out


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