12. LTC E-MAR Provider Settings

12. LTC E-MAR Provider Settings


|Previously Nursing Home E-MAR Provider Settings|

This function allows for setup of the E-MAR Provider to establish connection with BestRx, the information is provided by the E-MAR Provider.

The currently supported providers are BestRxWeb, Sushoo, SimpleMAR, PrescribersConnection, MedSupport, SteerMAR, SureScriptsLTC, MedsOnTime, and Therapy. BestRx requires an IP Address of the interface and a port to listen on.

To access EMAR Provider Setup, click on LTC 12. LTC E-MAR Provider Settings

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This information would be provided by the individual company's setup support team.

Specifically for SimpleMAR, it would be the pharmacy’s main server. For other providers it will be the server where the vendor installed their own program.

Screenshot 2024-09-13 160828.png


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