5. Rx Location Management
Rx Location Management is a feature in BestRx which allows pharmacy users to specify exactly where an Rx is located within their store. This allows pharmacies to keep track and organize their prescriptions.
Rx Location Management Setup
In BestRx navigate to Workflow 5. Rx Location Management
Create new Rx Location
To add a location, click the "Add New Location" button. The first location will be the parent location, such as "Pharmacy." Subsequent locations can be specific areas within the pharmacy, like a refrigerator, shelf, or a "Basket Counter" where alphabetized bags containing ready-to-pick-up prescriptions are stored.
Warning: Do not delete the parent location, which is the first location created in Rx Location Management. Deleting it will remove all other locations and sections, causing the loss of all progress on assigned prescriptions. This action is irreversible, and there is currently no way to prevent a user from doing it.
Adding a new section
After adding a Location, you can create sections under it such as organization for last name. Sections can also be virtual, used to indicate various situations for an Rx. For example, you can assign "Need New Insurance Card" to a patient's Rx profile as a reminder if you need their updated insurance information.
Example Layout
Assigning location in Will Call
Locations are assigned in the “Add to Will Call” screen. A checkbox to require the location before adding to Will Call can also be enabled. After the Rx is scanned in or looked up, the location can be selected and then added to the Will Call Queue.
If the “Required Rx Location” check box is checked you will see this Assign Rx Location “ Please select a valid Rx Location.” response, checking it requires a location to be set, if it is not checked off you won’t be required to assign a location.
If you select an Rx with an assigned location and add it to the Will Call queue along with an Rx without a location, you'll be prompted to update the location for all selected prescriptions. The update will be based on the location you choose.
Alternatively, you can choose to update only the Rx with an unassigned location. In this case, only that specific Rx's location will be updated when added to the queue.
Edit or Remove location in Will Call
In BestRx, we can also edit the location when the prescription are being loaded into the queue, by clicking the pencil logo we are able to open the list of locations in the pharmacy and edit the location.
Will Call / Non Picked Up Prescriptions - Rx Location View
Rx Locations can be seen from the 14-30 Day Will Call report in the new Rx Location column.
Rx Profile - Rx Location Assignment
In Rx Profile, you can add a shortcut by accessing the gear icon setting in Rx Profile. In Rx Profile we can add Rx Location column name. Rx Location can be selected and when a Rx is assigned it will appear in the Rx Profile.
In Rx profile when a patients profile is open. You can hover over the Rx # and right-click to Assign Rx Location.
You can assign the location of the Rx # inside the Rx Profile once you click ‘Assign Rx Location' and select existing options.
Rx Profile - Remove Assigned Location
In Rx Profile, once a location is assigned, it can be unassigned by selecting the Rx Location and choosing the blank option. Note that selecting multiple Rxs will also prompt to clear the location. This feature was added in version V6.4.0904. If unassigning a location is prohibited, ensure your BestRx software is up to date. This can be done by checking Misc. Check for Program Updates.
Access Rights Assignment - Assign Rx Location
Navigate to Administration 1. User Profiles D. Access Rights Assignment Select User ID Workflow Assign Rx Location
This access right allows for Rx location within the Rx Profile and when adding into will call queue.
When the access right is not activated, you will not be able to select a Rx location within the add prescription to will call screen, you also will have a greyed out option for “Assign Rx Location” in the Rx profile.
Section Barcode
When adding a new section into a location, you can save & print a label. This barcode should be available to put on boxes or any storage compartments that a pharmacy wants to label and identify in order to keep better track of Rxs.