1. Configure Workflow Triggers
To access the Workflow Trigger Configuration screen, click on Workflow -> 1. Configure Workflow Triggers.
Workflow Triggers
Trigger actions can automatically cause prescriptions to be placed in custom queues after a predetermined action is taken/done to the prescription itself. This can speed up and facilitate more automation to assist your day to day workflow by eliminating unnecessary steps of the prescription process.
The current actions possible are:
Rx is Entered into the System
Insurance Claim is Approved
Insurance Claim is Rejected
Insurance Claim is Reversed
Prior Auth Request is Sent
Label is Printed
Rx is Verified before Fill
Rx is Verified before Dispense
Rx is Dispensed
Rx is Returned by Patient
Refill Request Sent
Rx is Transferred
Adding a New Trigger
In order to add a new trigger, first select "Add New Trigger."
In the above example we're configuring a trigger for whenever a prescription "Label is Printed" to automatically add the RX into the queue named "Needs to be verified" for All Rxs. This way every time a prescription label is printed, the RX will automatically move to the verification queue to be verified by whomever is in charge of that step. These triggers allow for much easier hand-offs from technicians to pharmacists and can be customized for the way your pharmacy works. You can create as many triggers as you like (although we do not recommend overcomplicating workflows just for the sake of this tool); as the feature expands and we receive customer feedback, we will look into adding more triggers/actions as pharmacies request them.
When the trigger is defined, simply click "Save" to save it, "Delete" to delete it, "Cancel" to clear the screen, and "Exit" to exit this screen.