I. Send Rxs to Delivery/Shipping Provider

I. Send Rxs to Delivery/Shipping Provider

To Send RXs to your delivery provider, click on Dispense / Delivery -> I. Send RXs to Delivery Provider.


Send Prescriptions to Delivery Provider Screen


Send Rxs to Delivery Provider

This function is used to send prescriptions to your delivery provider's website to ready them for delivery. First time entering this screen the report will display any orders for the date range displayed. The example above lists two orders made on January 30th that have not yet been sent to the provider. If you'd like to search for other orders, simply select the date range for which you'd like to search, the provider for whom to search, and alternatively enter the order number to narrow the report to a specific selection. The report generates itself automatically upon making these selections.



Creating a New Order Screen


Creating a New Order

To create a brand new Delivery Order, click the "Create New Order" button at the top.

To create a new shipment, click the "Add New Box" button. This will add a new sub-window in the bottom left allowing you to search by RX or patient name. After the patient has been found, select the prescriptions you wish to send to the provider for delivery. After you've made the selection, click the "Add to Delivery Box" button. This will create a shipment in the right window for the prescriptions you've selected. You can choose to add more shipments by repeating the function. Alternatively you can choose to "Clear" the box you're currently working with, or "Remove Box" altogether.

When all your orders have been completed, choose to "Send Order Later" or "Send Order Now". If any order has been made in mistake, select the order and click the "Delete Order" button.

If you have selected "Send Order Later", the order will be added to the system but will have to be re-selected and sent separately. Go back to the display order function of this screen by hitting the "Esc" key on your keyboard until the first screen displays. Alternatively if you've already exited this report, simply go back to the report.

Click on the appropriate order you wish to send; orders that have not been sent will display a NO in the "Order Sent" column. With the order selected, click the "Send Order Now" button in the bottom right to send the order.

With the orders successfully sent to the provider, they will appear on your order page on the provider's website. Login to your account and finalize the orders from there, creating labels for shipment.


Currently, the only provider that can be used to print a manifest with the Print Manifest button is iOmni.


Comparing Shipping Rates for Multiple Providers

Many independent pharmacies utilize multiple shipping providers to support their prescription and OTC deliveries. While you may have fairly good idea of which provider to use based on the situation, you don't always know what each provider would charge to complete a particular delivery.

To obtain this information, pharmacies typically have had to initiate the delivery with each individual shipping provider and go through the required steps to view that provider's pricing. This can quickly turn into a manual, time-consuming task which is why BestRx added a tool that enables pharmacies to view rates for all their shipping providers at once.

Getting Started

When creating a new order, the rate comparison tool can be accessed by selecting the 'Get Rates From All Providers' option in the Providers dropdown menu in the upper left corner of the screen.

Then, add prescription(s) to the order and click the 'Get Rates From All Providers' button in the bottom right.

This will bring up a new window where you can select multiple providers from your active shipping accounts at the top. Then, simply enter the shipping options you would like to price out (Same Day, Next Day, 2-Day Air, etc.) and click the green 'Get All Rates" button when finished.

Then, the shipping rates for each provider and option will be populated in the bottom half of the screen.

To continue, pick the option that best fits your needs and confirm your selection - it's that simple!


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