Delivery Device File

Delivery Device File

To access the Delivery Device File, go to Dispense/Delivery → Delivery Device File.



Delivery Device File

The delivery device file lists all devices linked to the pharmacy or pharmacy group through the Cloud Delivery App. The file displays the internal Device Name, Serial Number, and Device Type/Operating System. It also features a lock/unlock PIN function and a button to unregister each device.


Adding a New Device

To add a new device, install the cloud delivery app on your device. After opening the app, you’ll be prompted to enter a registration PIN. That PIN can be created using the Generate PIN button at the bottom of this screen. Enter that PIN into the device, and it will be registered to your pharmacy/pharmacy group.


Device Unlock PIN

If your device is locked due to too many failed logins or a remote lock, clicking the Lock icon will create an unlock PIN to be entered into the locked device.

This PIN is for the Cloud Delivery App only; it is not to unlock the device itself.



Unregistering a Device

To unregister a device, click on the Unregister switch displayed for the device you wish to remove from your pharmacy or pharmacy group. A prompt will appear asking for confirmation; clicking Yes will remove the device. Clicking No will cancel the request.


Devices being used at more than one pharmacy can only be unregistered at the pharmacy they were originally registered at.



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