B. Dispense Rxs in Groups

B. Dispense Rxs in Groups

To access the Dispense Prescriptions report, click on Dispense / Delivery -> B. Dispense RXs in Groups.


Dispense RXs in Groups Screen


Dispense Rxs in Groups

This report is most commonly used to obtain a list of prescriptions within a certain time range for specific workflow statuses. Simply select a time range using the Fill Date filter, or change the filter to Rx/Patient to search by those criteria instead. Choose the appropriate workflow statuses to display and whether or not you'd like the Drug Name and Amount Due to be printed.

When the report's been generated you can quickly adjust any status of a prescription by clicking on the check box next to its number and clicking the "Update Status" button. You can also do the same for multiple prescriptions by selecting as many as you need, or using the "Select All" check box towards bottom left.

The report can be sorted any time by simply clicking the column name above the records you'd like to sort by.

To print the report page, click the "Print" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Print" button is highlighted. The options to print this report are by Listing, Listing w/ Separate Pages, Delivery Report or Delivery Tickets.

The user may also clear all the data displayed on the screen by clicking the "Clear" button or by pressing the "Enter" key when the "Clear" button is highlighted.


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