W. Dispense Status Report

W. Dispense Status Report

To get to the Dispense Status Report screen, click on Reports -> W. Dispense Status Report.


The Dispense Status report offers the store the ability to look up dispense status on prescriptions based on Fill Date or RX#/Patient by choosing the method in the Search By drop-down box. Select the appropriate setting then simply select a date range with the From / To calendar buttons if searching by Fill Date, or enter the RX# or Patient Name if searching by RX#/Patient. You can also choose to display the drug name by selecting the "Print Drug Name" drop-down box and making the appropriate choice.

With the search method selected, select or unselect the statuses you wish to include/exclude in the search; Waiting to be Filled, Waiting to be Picked Up, Picked Up, Waiting to be Delivered, Delivered, Out for Delivery, Unable to Deliver, Waiting to be Mailed and Mailed.

When ready to generate the report simply click "Generate Report".

To print the report page, first select the prescriptions or patients and click the "Print" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Print" button is highlighted.

The user may also clear all the data displayed on the screen by clicking the "Clear" button or by pressing the "Enter" key when the "Clear" button is highlighted.

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