Wholesaler EDI Interface Settings

Wholesaler EDI Interface Settings


This feature of BestRx is included in the Standard/Premium tiers.

This information is provided to us by your wholesaler and entered by one of our support staff.

This screen allows the user to update their credentials for the EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) settings for each individual Inventory supplier.

To display the options first the Supplier must be selected using the drop-down box. After the supplier has been chosen, a box will open up with the name of the supplier and allow the user to adjust the settings.

Changing this information can result in interruption of delivery of your EDI files; we strongly recommend you contact BestRx Support before adjusting this information.

To access the Inventory Update Settings screen, click on Inventory Wholesaler EDI Interface Settings.

Screenshot 2024-12-02 154826.png
  • Account #: This is the account number issued by your wholesaler.

  • Host Name: This field cannot be adjusted and will display the web address of the wholesaler server.

  • Port: This field also cannot be adjusted and will display the port number of the wholesaler server.

  • User Name: User name as issued by your wholesaler. Typically this is the same as the Account #.

  • Password: Password as issued by your wholesaler.

  • BestRx Vendor: This field is used to match the wholesaler settings to an internal vendor record in BestRx. Choose your vendor from the drop-down box or click "Add Vendor" to add a new vendor record.

  • Account Type: Indicate the type for this account. The choices are Normal, 340B Drugs, Non-340B Drugs, C2 Drugs or Non-C2 Drugs.

After the information has been entered, click the "Test Connection" button the verify the settings are correct and your computer is able to connect to the supplier server.

Enter the desired information and click the ‘Save’ button to save the information or click the ‘Save & Exit’ button to save the information and go to the previous screen.

You can delete the record at any time by hitting the "Delete" button, or clear out entered information by clicking the "Cancel" button. If you'd like to discard and exit to the previous screen, hit "Esc" on your keyboard or click the "Exit" button.

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