10. Internet Fax Setup

10. Internet Fax Setup

To access/configure Internet Fax Setup options, click on Administration -> 10. Internet Fax Setup.

Internet Fax Setup

The Internet Fax utility in the BestRx program currently integrates with SRFax and Updox. These services act as a replacement to a physical fax modem, and allow you to fax over your standard internet connection instead of requiring a special modem and a physical analog fax line. Faxes can be sent and received using both providers to send Refill Requests, Prior Authorizations, and more.

The Internet Fax service and the regular Modem Faxing cannot be used together; only one may be used at a time.



You can register for SRFax here.

  • Provider: Select SRFax as your provider.

  • Email Registered with SRFax: This is the email entered during the SRFax sign up process; it cannot be any other email address, and must exactly match the email used during sign up.

  • Password: The SRFax password chosen by the user during sign up.

  • Account ID: The SRFax account ID provided after sign up, shown on the SRFax account page.

  • Fax # Assigned by SRFax: This is the fax number chosen during the SRFax sign up process; unless ported, this is NOT your pharmacy's regular fax number. This number is shown on your SRFax account page.

  • Additional Fax # Assigned by SRFax: If you have a second number with SRFax, enter it here, and you will receive faxes sent to that fax number as well.

  • Inbound Fax: Select whether to receive faxes into the BestRx system.

  • Print Received Date On Inbound Fax: Choose whether to print the date the fax was received on an inbound fax.

  • Active: Select whether or not to use the Internet Fax service.























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