Wholesaler Injunctive Relief Report

Wholesaler Injunctive Relief Report


The Wholesaler Injunctive Relief Report allows you to submit required opioid-related reports to Cardinal or McKesson.


Submitting to Cardinal

Navigate to Reports → Wholesaler Injunctive Relief Report.

Select the date range you’d like to generate for using the From and To fields, then click Generate at the bottom right.

Once you see the data appear, you can click Upload to Cardinal to send the data to Cardinal.

You’ll see a window process the upload request, and a pop-up window will confirm the successful upload.

If you run into an error during upload, please reach out to our support team.

Submitting to McKesson

Navigate to Reports → Wholesaler Injunctive Relief Report.

Select the date range you’d like to generate for using the From and To fields, then click Generate at the bottom right.

Once you see the data appear, you can click Export for McKesson to generate the files to be submitted to McKesson.


The files will be exported to a folder on your desktop. A pop-up window will let you know when this has been done successfully.

If you experience any errors, please reach out to our support team for assistance.

The exported files will pop up in a file explorer window on your PC, so you can see what has been generated. These files can then be submitted to McKesson.

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