B. Unbilled Prescription Log

B. Unbilled Prescription Log

To access the Unbilled Prescription Log screen, click on Report -> B. Unbilled Prescription Log.



Unbilled Prescription Log

The Unbilled Prescription Log screen allows the user to generate a report of unbilled, rejected, held, inactive, and/or transferred prescriptions for a specified period of time. The user can narrow the log by selecting an insurance plan / insurance plan group to show all the unbilled, rejected, held, inactive, and/or transferred prescriptions for only that plan. You can choose to show prescriptions with DURs only, and display the report using the patient or full list view. This report can be displayed in either Full List View or Patient View.


After generating the report, the prescriptions or patients will be listed.

  • If utilizing the full list view, select the prescriptions you'd like to process and simply click "Process Rxs" to work with the selected prescriptions.

  • If utilizing the patient view, you can select the patient you wish to work with by clicking on their name, and see their unbilled prescriptions in the right window pane with brief details on the prescription. You can then select the prescriptions you'd like to process and simply click "Process" to process individual prescriptions, or "Process All" to process all unbilled prescriptions in the list.

  • In addition, you can select and Transmit Rxs from the Unbilled Prescription Log. There is no limit on the number of prescriptions that can be selected for processing or transmitting; you can even click the Select All button to highlight all unbilled prescriptions, and process or transmit them at the same time.


The user may also clear all the data displayed on the screen by clicking the "Clear" button or by pressing the "Enter" key when the "Clear" button is highlighted.



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