4. Create / Edit Purchase Order

4. Create / Edit Purchase Order


This screen allows the pharmacy to put together an order list for a vendor of their choosing and send the order to them through the Wholesaler/EDI Interface.

To access the Create / Edit Purchase Order Screen, click on Inventory 4. Create / Edit Purchase Order.

If a purchase order has been created or edited, it will display on the screen with its order number, item count, supplier, and current status. You can also adjust the status filter to view specific statuses and modify the order date range.

Screenshot 2024-10-31 093613.png

Creating a New Order

To create a new order, click the "Click here to create a NEW Purchase Order" button, then select which supplier you'd like to create an order for, and name/number your order. If you're interested in viewing a current order, simply select it from the list.

Search and select desired medication and indicate how many packages you'd like to order. To add the drug to your order simply click "Add to Order". Continue the process for any and all other medication you'd like to include with this order.

Screenshot 2024-10-22 115423.png

Vendor Item #

Some drugs may not include the vendor item number. To ensure proper processing, enter this item number if it’s missing. Click the blank space where the vendor item number should be, enter the Vendor Item #, and, if needed, a Default Order Quantity.

Send Order

Once you've selected the drugs for the order, click "Send Order" to upload the file to the supplier's server for processing or click “Print Order” in order to print a report for the supplier.

To remove a drug selected by mistake, click the field below and select "Remove." To clear all items, click "Remove All."

You can sort the report anytime by clicking a column name such as description, package size, etc.…

To clear all displayed data, click "Clear" or press "Enter" when "Clear" is highlighted.

Purchase Order - Print Out Example


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