2. Manage Rx Custom Queues

2. Manage Rx Custom Queues

To access the Manage Custom Queues screen, click on Workflow -> 2. Manage Custom Queues. Custom queues created here can be featured on the Dashboard.


Manage Rx Custom Queues

This feature allows for creation of custom queues in order to group prescriptions into one feature to facilitate easier, more convenient, and faster processing of those prescriptions.

To add a new queue, simply click the "Add New Queue" radio button; to edit an already created queue, simply click it from the list.



There are several options when creating/editing a queue:

  • Queue Name: This simply indicates what name this queue will have.

  • Process Mode: This indicates what sort of processing this queue will undergo. It will either be an "Edit Rx" process where the prescriptions are simply bulked for editing, "Refill" mode where the prescriptions that are added to the queue will require a date to be assigned for the refills, "Send Prior Authorization Request" where the program will automatically trigger a PA request window, "Verify before Fill" will automatically trigger the Verify before Fill, "Verify before Dispense" will do the same but for Verification before Dispensing, "Print Label" to automatically print labels from the queue, and lastly "Transmit To Insurance" to directly transmit prescriptions to the insurance from the designated queue screen.The Refill mode is an automatic Defer type queue as it's meant to hold those refills until they are ready to be refilled.

  • Queue Type: There are two types; "Normal Queue" will simply place the prescriptions in the queue immediately upon doing so, whereas the "Defer Date Queue" will ask for a defer date in order to hold the prescriptions from entering the queue until the specified date. This can help the work flow by eliminating the need to see every single prescription and will only show the deferred prescriptions on their respective dates.

  • Remove Rx from Queue after: This will indicate if the prescription will be removed from the queue manually or automatically, and if automatically then under what condition. The current options are - Manually Remove, Rx is Saved, Rx is Transmitted, Insurance Claim is Approved, Insurance Claim is Reversed, Prior Auth Request is Sent, Label is Printed, Verify Before Fill, Verify Before Dispense, Rx is Dispensed, Returned by Patient, and Rx is Transferred.

  • After removal, add to this queue: This option will move the prescription from this current queue to the queue selected in this dialogue box.

  • Remove from queue if Rx is reversed: Indicate if you'd like the prescription to be removed from the queue if it's reversed. This option does not pertain to Refill or Send Prior Authorization Request Process Modes.

  • Auto-Process with NightTech: Indicate if you'd like this queue to be included in the Auto Process with NightTech functionality of processing prescriptions automatically in bulk during regular business and/or night time hours. Any prescription in the queue would then be processed either upon manual execution of the Auto-Process from the profile screen, or the nightly NightTech process that occurs. Please keep this in mind when selecting queue options like printing labels, as these queues will run automatically and process everything without prejudice unless normal issues are encountered like claim rejections and such.


The one queue that is not listed here and is automatically created in the system is the NewRx queue. This queue allows prescriptions to be created into the system without an Rx number in order to keep the Rx number order in sequence. You can think of these as placeholder prescriptions; NewRxs placed in the queue will also automatically have a Defer Date. See the Adding Rxs to the Custom Queues article on how to add prescriptions to all of these queues.

Adding Rxs to the Custom Queues

When prescriptions are added to these custom queues, depending on the settings on the prescription or queue being used, will have different options available.


New Rxs

A new prescription needs to be added into the queue during the initial entry of the prescription, whether it's a written prescription or an ERx. Before saving the prescription, the user needs to press the "Q" button next to the Rx Status on the main processing screen. The software will display a box asking the user for a date to be used to defer the prescription.

After selecting a date, click "Assign Defer Date" to place the prescription into the NewRx queue. It will now be available to process from the Process NewRx & Custom Queues screen as default, however it will also display as queued in the regular patient Profile (F6) or the Mini Profile as shown below, and can be processed from both features as any other prescription. An Rx number will be assigned to the prescriptions at the time of processing.





Refill prescriptions are by default considered Deferred, as a most typical scenario require them to be filled at a later time. Any currently entered prescription can be added to a Refill type queue either by pressing the "Q" button next to the Rx Status of the main processing screen, or by selecting the prescription(s) from the patient Profile (F6) and selecting the "Add to Queue" process method. A pop up window will displayed as shown below to select the proper queue.


In the above example the Refills queue is our default refill queue, and the prescription would be added to this queue as it's properly formatted. After selecting the queue, the window would change to the example below.


After selecting a date, click "Assign Refill Date" to place the prescription into the Refill queue. It will now be available to process from the Process NewRx & Custom Queues screen.



Prescriptions can be added to an Edit type queue; the queue is a Normal Queue as default, but can also be a Defer type queue with the same defer functionality as the above two. The edit queues have a different condition for automatic removal from queue and that setting is controlled when that queue is created and/or edited. Any currently entered prescription can be added to an Edit type queue either by pressing the "Q" button next to the Rx Status of the main processing screen, or by selecting the prescription(s) from the patient Profile (F6) and selecting the "Add to Queue" process method. A pop up window will displayed as shown below to select the proper queue.


In this particular example after adding the prescription(s) to the "Edits for week of 07/18" queue, we'd see the below confirmation.


The prescription(s) will now be available to process from the Process NewRx & Custom Queues screen.


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