PDMP Interface Setup

PDMP Interface Setup

To access/configure the PDMP Interface options, click on Misc -> Interface Setups -> PDMP Interface Setup.



PDMP Interface Setup

The PDMP Interface allows the pharmacy to check the control drug reporting history for a patient directly from the Rx Processing and Patient Profile screens. This feature does require the corresponding add-on to be activated for the pharmacy, but there is no charge to do so. Once the add-on is activated for the pharmacy a new "C2" button will now show next to the patient's name in several places in BestRx. When set up correctly, clicking this button will connect to the state PDMP registry and display a pop-up containing the patient's reported control history.


Before the pharmacy can use this feature, pharmacies in CT, FL, GA, MA, MI, NC, OH, PA, SC, TX will have to register with Bamboo Health as described here. Pharmacies in CA, IL, and MD will need to register with LogiCoy, also described in that same article.

Also, activating the add-on will show the interface setup option under "Misc->Interface Setups->PDMP Interface Setup".

Please note that some states may display slightly differently; see the state specific information article.


The following is an explanation of the different fields on the setup screen.

  • Username, Password, Facility ID : These fields are for specific login information that will be provided to BestRx just before the setup of the feature.

These credentials are completely different than the ones the pharmacist may already be using on their state website; the pharmacist's web credentials will not work with our integration.

  • Auto-display PDMP info for : When this option is selected, attempting to fill a drug of the specified control class will automatically show the PDMP history without hitting the "C2" button.

  • Username/password required to fill Rx's for : When the previous option is selected, this allows the further option to require BestRx user ID and password to continue filling the script. This also creates a workflow entry confirming that PDMP history was checked.

  • Default Pharmacist User For Service : When checking the PDMP registry, they want to know the information of the pharmacist logging in. The user selected here will be who we say is accessing the registry. When you select the user, you may see a pop-up asking for that user's NPI, DEA, and state license number. This is NOT the pharmacy information, but the pharmacist's personal numbers. Only two of these three fields are required; most pharmacists do not have a personal DEA, so have them enter their NPI and state license number.


Once all of this is set up with help from a BestRx technician, you should be able to go to any patient which has had control scripts filled and click on the "C2" button. The results should display automatically after a moment.

Additional Information

Registration Information

These instructions may vary and are not applicable to pharmacies in certain states.


Bamboo Health Registration Information (CT, FL, GA, MA, MI, NC, OH, PA, SC, TX)

If your pharmacy operates in one of the above states, you can proceed to register at the following link: Bamboo Health Login Page

You will be required to create a login and this registration process generally consists of nine pages.


In case there's some confusion regarding the Solution of Interest question, here's a breakdown on what the options mean:

  • PMP AWARxE is access via the website, your pharmacy staff will have to enter a username and password into their web browser

  • PMP Gateway provides data via an integration (which BestRx has). This provides data from the PMP Registry directly within BestRx.

  • NarxCare is like PMP Gateway plus; it also provides data via an integration, but provides more data than just the Gateway integration does.


  • Technically if you're unsure, you should select Both NarxCare and PMP Gateway. Any state that works with Bamboo Health should be eligible for NarxCare.

  • There's another option that only currently supports three states, and that is Logicoy; they only display PDMP data and that's it. They don't have Narxcare or anything similar to that. Logicoy supports CA, IL and MD, more on that below.


LogiCoy Registration Information (CA, IL, MD)

If your pharmacy operates in these states, you will need to fill out LogiCoy’s registration form located here: https://signup.logicoy.com/PDMPSystemEhrSignup/register. Once the registration is complete, and LogiCoy has finished processing it on their side, they will provide BestRx with your pharmacy’s credentials to set up the integration, which we will reach out to you to complete.




If you have any questions about the registration form, please reach out to our support team.


Please note that several states have links to a separate registration page that should be used instead. If any of these states ask for technical contact information, you can submit the form with the following answers.


State Specific Information

  • CA pharmacies : California integration is done through LogiCoy. CA pharmacies specifically require the pharmacist's state license number.

    • The pharmacy’s state license number entered into the pharmacy setup file must be preceded by the letters PHY. For example, if the pharmacy’s state license number is 12345, it needs to be entered into the system as PHY12345. This is needed even outside of using any sort of PDMP interface.



  • FL pharmacies : Florida requires their pharmacies to verify PDMP data before filling a control script, so the auto-display option and ID/password requirement will always be on and locked from disabling.


  • IL pharmacies : Unlike most states, Illinois's integration is done through a company called LogiCoy instead of Bamboo Health. Illinois pharmacies will require the Facility ID, but they do not require info specific to the pharmacist.


  • MD pharmacies : Similar to CA and IL, Maryland pharmacies integrate through LogiCoy. MD pharmacies specifically require the pharmacist's individual NPI number. (More details potentially pending.)


  • PA pharmacies : Pennsylvania requires each pharmacy to be tested with a completely different set of credentials prior to being allowed to use the PDMP integration. See more on that here.

Bamboo Health controlled states are CT, FL, GA, MA, MI, NC, OH, PA, SC, TX and that registration again can be started with Bamboo Health as described here.




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