RX Tran Setup
Integration Process:
If a pharmacy is interested in RxTran, send a ticket to Integrations (Sara) including the pharmacy’s contact name, email, phone number, and preferred language(s) for translation.
RX Tran is a translation service that provides pharmacies with an online library of pre-translated prescription drug label information, including:
Patient Instructions (SIG) (Directions for use of prescription medication)
Auxiliary Warning Labels (AWL) for prescription containers as part of the label generation process
Consumer Medication Information (CMI), Medication Guides and Package Inserts printed instantly at the pharmacy for patient convenience
To access/configure the RX Tran Setup options, click on Misc. Interface Setups Rx Tran Setup.
RxTran Setup
The service is available for a subscription fee. Please contact RX Tran for detailed information; if you already know which languages you'd like we can initiate the account creation by sending a request to RxTran directly. If you have already signed up and have your login information, please call us to set the feature up and make sure the program is translating properly.
Login : This is the login as issued to your account by RX Tran.
API Key : This is a unique key provided by RX Tran that contains your subscription information.
Available Languages : These are languages available to you according to your subscription.
Focus on 'Translate' button for foreign language patients : Choose this option if you'd like the cursor to focus on the translate button for any foreign language speaking patient.
Available Languages
All information is translated into approximately twenty foreign languages with more languages coming soon, including:
Translations are immediately available for pharmacies to print and distribute to patients with limited English proficiency (LEP).'
If additional languages are needed, please let RxTran know. For more information about their pharmacy language services, call 617-621-0945 or email info@rxtran.com. Discover how RxTran can help you provide a more comprehensive set of services to your pharmacy clients.