Outbound Messaging Interface
To access the Outbound Messaging Configuration screen, click on Misc -> Interface Setups -> Outbound Messaging. This feature is part of the Premium tier.
Outbound Messaging Interface
The Messaging Interface allows your pharmacy to send electronic communication to patients by email or SMS (text) message. The messaging interface is included in our Premium tier, or it can be added to the Basic and Standard tiers for an additional monthly fee.
Regardless of your tier, you will need to contact out Support Team for assistance activating and setting up the Messaging Interface. Basic and Standard tier customers will also need to complete an enrollment form, authorizing the additional charge before the feature can be activated. Please give us a call for more information!
As of August 2021, we have added logic that restricts words related to CBD, marijuana, cannabis, cannabinoids, etc. when sending a message to a patient through the messaging interface or 2-way messaging. If you attempt to send a message that contains a restricted word, it will be marked as undelivered with a “Word Restricted” warning.
Once activated, patients will be able to opt-in to receive electronic communication from your store. An opt-in message will be displayed on your signature pad (service and hardware sold separately), as shown in the screenshot below.
Patient Message Settings
As previously mentioned, the Messaging Interface must be set up by our Support team. However, the settings can be adjusted when needed using the settings screen on:
The main processing screen, by clicking on the Bell icon located next to the patient's phone number.
The profile screen, by clicking on the bell icon located next to the cell phone field.
The first screen of a group send (which is outlined in the steps below). Which is used to send messages to multiple patients at once from the Patient Listing report.
The Outbound Messaging Settings screen is displayed below for your reference:
These fields and settings allow you to input information adjust the electronic communication/messaging preferences by patient, including:
Cell Phone: This field is where you will enter the patient's cell phone number.
E-mail ID: This field is where you will enter the patient's email.
Apply Default Settings button: This button will apply the default settings that were established during your interface setup to the patient selected.
Send Email/SMS: This button is used to send a general pharmacy message by email or text to the selected patient from the prescription or patient profile screen. For a full explanation, please refer to the Sending Messages article.
Send Refill Reminder: Here, you can indicate if the patient would like reminders to be sent by email, text, neither or both.
Send Rx Ready for Pickup: Here, you can indicate if the patient would like a ready for pickup message to be sent by email, text, neither or both.
Send Birthday Greeting Message: Here, you can indicate if the patient would like their birthday message to be sent by email, text, neither or both.
Send Welcome Message: Here, you can indicate if the patient would like their welcome message to be sent by email, text, neither or both.
The cell phone and email fields offer an OPTIONAL verification process as well. If used, the patient will need to provide you with the verification number that will be sent to the email/cell phone number they’d like to use to receive messages from your store. This is shown in the example below.
Verifying the patient’s cell phone/email helps to ensure their contact information was entered correctly.
Outbound Messaging Setup
To configure your Outbound Messaging, click on: Misc -> Messaging Interface -> Outbound Messaging Setup.
Email Using: Select whether to use the Email Service API or let the IVR Interface handle emails.
SMS Using: Select whether to use the SMS Service API, Message Routing API, or let the IVR Interface handle text based communications.
Call Using: Select how outbound calls should be handled.
IP Address of IVR Computer: Enter the IP or computer name of the IVR interface’s computer on the pharmacy LAN.
Outbound Port: Select the port that the IVR computer is listening on.
In order to disable Outbound Calling, you must make sure there is nothing set to use Calls in the Alert Settings screen.
Messaging Settings
The Outbound Messaging Setup screen is where the Messaging Interface settings can be customized for your store using the appropriate dropdown boxes and entering the information in the corresponding fields. These screens also control some of the IVR notifications and settings. This service is optional; if you're interested, please call BestRx to get started and configure these settings!
Alert Settings
The Alert Settings screen will determine how alerts should be delivered and according to what criteria. For security purposes, if these settings ever need to be changed, you will have to contact BestRx to have them unlocked to do so.
Send Refill Reminder: Indicate if you'd like reminders to be sent in an Email, SMS, Call, neither, or all.
Send when Rxs are due to be refilled : Indicate if you'd like a message to be sent for prescriptions currently due to be refilled.
Send when Rxs are PAST DUE to be refilled : Indicate if you'd like a message to be sent for past due prescriptions waiting to be refilled.
Send Refill Reminder Before Days: Indicate how many days before hand you'd like messages to be sent.
Send Refill Reminder After Days: Indicate how many days afterward you'd like messages to be sent.
Send for non-maintenance drugs : Indicate how you'd like the system to control sending messages for non-maintenance medication.
Send messages for Control Drugs: Indicate if you'd like to send out messages for Controlled Drugs.
Send messages for C2 Drugs: Indicate if you'd like to send out messages for Class 2 Controlled Drugs.
Patient Default Button : Clicking this button allows the user to change the defaults for adding new patients, and allows the user to also Update All records in the system with the preferred settings. Apply Default Options while - Adding New Patient: This option will apply the chosen defaults whenever the pharmacy adds a new patient into the system.Apply Default Options while - Patient Consent on Sigpad: This option will not apply default settings until the patient gives their consent on the signature pad; from that point on, that patient will follow the defaults pre-set by the pharmacy.
Send Rx Ready for Pickup: Indicate if you'd like a ready for pickup message to be sent in an Email, SMS, Call, neither, or all.
Indicate Rx Ready for Pickup After: Indicate when you'd like the message to be triggered; it can be after a Label Print, when the RX is Approved by Insurance or after the RX has been Verified for Fill.
Send Add'l Rx Pickup Reminder After Days: Indicate how many days after the initial reminder you'd like to send a follow up reminder message. You can enable more follow up messages by clicking the "+" button as shown below.
Send Birthday Greeting Message: Indicate if you'd like a birthday message to be sent in an Email, SMS, Call, none, or all.
Send Welcome Message: Indicate if you'd like a welcome message to be sent in an Email, SMS, Call, none, or all.
Send General Message: Indicate if you'd like to turn on capability to send generalized messages through Email, SMS, neither, or both. The Sending Messages article will outline the process of sending these messages.
Send Customer Review Message: This will send an online review request to the patient after a script has been pickup. The message will contain a hyperlink, directing patients to the website of your choosing to leave their review (including your Google Business Profile, pharmacy website, or Yelp).
Resent Customer Review After: Here, you can indicate if you’d like to have the system automatically re-send the review request after a certain amount of time.
Send Only to Verified Email ID/Cell Phone: Indicate if you'd like these messages to be send only to verified Email/Cell phone. The status of the verification can be seen on the main screen by clicking the Bell button next to the phone number field.
Only Send Email/SMS Between: Indicate what times you'd like these messages to be sent within.
Only Call Between: Indicate what window of time you'd like IVR to place calls.
Send Email/SMS on These Days: Indicate the days these message can be sent.
Start Daily Process after: Indicate when you'd like the queue to start processing messages daily.
Sending Messages
The Messaging Interface allows the pharmacy to utilize Email/SMS messaging to send specific communication to the patients. This is an optional feature that must be setup with BestRx Pharmacy Software' staff; please give us a call for more information!
The messaging interface must be first set up as mentioned above, and the settings per individual person can be tailored in the settings screens such as:
The main processing screen by clicking the Bell icon next to the patient's phone number
The profile screen using the Bell icon next to the cell phone field
The first screen of a group send (as outlined in the steps below) when sending messages to multiple patients through the Patient Listing report.
The settings screen is displayed here for reference.
Sending General Messages
General Messages can be sent in groups by generating a Patient Listing.
After adjusting the settings as the user sees fit or after generating a patient listing, click the Send Email/SMS button to proceed.
The "Send General Message" option for Email and/or SMS has to be selected in the message settings for this process to work.
The patient selection (if utilizing the patient listing screen) will display as shown below. If the function is used per individual patient, only that patient will display in the below screen.
Indicate if you'll be sending an Email and/or SMS message using the check-boxes above the patient listing.
Select the patient for whom you'd like to send these messages. You can alternatively Select All or Unselect All to clear the selection. If the patient has no settings and/or information attached when they're selected, the Settings, Email, and CellPhone fields will be highlighted in RED. You can adjust these simply by clicking on the red fields.
When a selection has been made, simply click Next to proceed to the next screen. You can move between these screens at any time using the Back and Next buttons.
This screen will allow you to tailor the message specific to your need. The "Select Previously Sent Email" and "Select Previously Sent SMS" drop-down boxes will display saved message templates on top, followed by ten (10) of the most recent sent Email/SMS messages. If they have been previously saved, you can choose the message using these drop-downs. Otherwise proceed to entering the Email Subject/Message and/or Text Message/Subject.
You can save the templates you've entered by clicking the "Save this Email/Text Message" check-boxes appropriate to message type. If saving a text message, the subject must be entered to properly save the template in memory for future use even though it is NOT transmitted.
After entering the appropriate information, simply click Next to proceed to the next screen. You can move between these screens at any time using the Back and Next buttons.
After all the information has been entered, this confirmation screen will display the messages you've put together and allow you one last look before sending them to the patient. You can go back to either of the previous screens using the Back button if any of the information is incorrect and/or needs to be adjusted.
When everything has been satisfactorily checked, click the "Send to Message Queue" button to proceed sending the messages.
Sending Customer Review Requests
Review requests require a few steps to ensure they're set up correctly. So, our Customer Support team will help you get started.
First, you will need to provide the URL for the website(s) you would like to direct patients to leave their review, such as your:
Google Business Profile
Pharmacy website
Preferred review site (like Yelp)
Social Media Page (like Facebook)
Then, we'll ensure the information is loaded and working properly before you begin sending requests to your patients.
Once your review site has been added, Review Requests can be created in your Outbound Messaging Format file, just like any other custom messages your pharmacy utilizes.
Start by navigating to Misc -> Interface Setups -> Outbound Messaging -> Outbound Messaging Format.
Click the 'Add New Format' radio button in the upper left.
Select your method type (Email or SMS/Text).
Then, choose 'Customer Review' from the Alert Type dropdown.
Next, select 'Load Default' to access the pre-populated review request message that's available in the system.
For Email Requests
If you've selected Email as your message type, you will see a box on the right side of the screen that will display all the websites that have been added for your store. You can use this list to add links/clickable buttons for a particular website to customize your review request message (as pictured below).
For Text/SMS Requests
If you selected SMS as your message type, the system will NOT display a list of websites for you to choose from. Instead, the system will populate the URL information for whatever option has been set as your pharmacy's default review site (as pictured below).
If you would like to change the default at any time, just contact our Support Team for assistance.
Customizing Your Review Request
As with all Messaging Interface templates, you can make adjustments on the fly, by entering them directly in the message field of either template as well. Just remember to hit Save before exiting the template.
Outbound Messaging Queue
To view the Messaging Queue, click on Misc -> Messaging Interface -> Outbound Messaging Queue.
The Messaging Queue screen will allow the user to see all the pending and sent messages within a specified date range. The report, when generated with a date criteria, will display the Date/Time, Method, Alert Type, Priority, Entity, Entity Name, Status and Attempts at sending the message. The user also has the ability to select any of the messages in this Queue and Delete them using the Delete Message button.
To print the report, click the "Print" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Print" button is highlighted.
The user may also clear all the data displayed on the screen by clicking the "Clear" button or by pressing the "Enter" key when the "Clear" button is highlighted.
Outbound Messaging Format
To edit or view the Messaging Formats, click on Misc -> Messaging Interface -> Outbound Messaging Format.
The Messaging Format screen will allow the user to create templates for all outbound messaging types. The first report screen will allow users to edit or filter formats/templates previously created by using the "Method Type", "Alert Type", and "Subject" fields. At any point the user can click a template previously made to edit it by simply clicking the appropriate line in the result box. To create a new template, click "Add New Format".
Adding a New Format
When adding a new template, make sure "Add New Format" selected in the top left of the screen.
From there, adding a template is very simple.
First pick the Method Type from "Email", "SMS", and "Outbound Call".
You'll then have to specify what kind of Alert Type this is; the options are "General", "Refill Reminder", "RX Ready for Pickup", "RX Pickup Confirmation", "Birthday Greeting", "Welcome Greeting", and "Verification".
You can also indicate the language this template is in choosing from the Language drop-down box.
The "Group Message" flag can be changed to indicate if this message is meant for a larger group of people; however it does not actually group messages into one, and they still get sent to individual people one by one.
Next indicate the subject and content of the message. For message types "Refill Reminder", "RX Ready for Pickup", "Birthday Greeting", "Welcome Greeting", and "Verification" you can click the "Load Default" button to populate the default message type in the template. These typically include variables that will automatically display the information based on the pharmacy's data.
When the template is ready to be saved, simply click on "Save" to keep adding other templates, or "Save & Exit" to leave the screen.
The user may also cancel the entry/edit by clicking the "Cancel" button or by pressing the "Enter" key when the "Cancel" button is highlighted.
Quick Responses
The Messaging Interface supports two-way messaging between the pharmacy and patients. To make sending certain common messages easier, you can create message templates called Quick Responses to quickly send certain messages.
Messages sent through two-way chat are currently not HIPAA compliant.
Navigate to Misc → Interface Setup → Outbound Messaging → 2-way Message Template. |
Click on Add New Template at the top left. Add a short description, and the message you’d like to send. |
You can include hash variables in the message to include patient specific details. For example, #PATIENTNAME# will display the patient’s name, such as John Doe.
When you are done building the message, click Save. |
To use a Quick Response, click on the drop-down menu below the message field to pull up your list of Quick Responses.
Select the Quick Response you’d like to use, and it will automatically populate in the message field. You can edit the message before it is sent, or click Send to send the message to the recipient. |