1. Monitor Transmittal Log

1. Monitor Transmittal Log

To view a transmission log, click on Misc -> 1. Monitor Transmittal Log.



Monitor Transmittal Log


The Monitor Transmittal Log screen allows the user to generate a log of all prescriptions transmitted in the system for a specified period of time. The user can narrow the search according to a specific insurance plan / insurance plan group as well. The user can also create a log highlighting any transmitted prescriptions whose cost billed and cost paid percentage difference is not within a certain range.


  • To generate a transmittal log, click on the arrow next to the From field and use the mouse to click on the date the log should start from or simply type in the date the log should start.

  • Use the left and right arrow buttons to go to the last and next month, respectively.

  • Repeat the same steps for the To field to pick an ending date on which the log should stop.

  • If necessary, pick a specific insurance company to narrow down the log with prescriptions pertaining only to that insurance company.

  • Next, enter in any range for the percentage difference between cost billed and cost paid in the Highlight all rows where the Pct (%) Diff is not fields. (For example, entering in Highlight all rows where the Pct (%) Diff is not fields: 12 +/- 0.5 will highlight any prescription whose Pct (%) Diff is not between 11.5 and 12.5)


The user may sort the log by any of the column headings by simply clicking on the column heading.


To print the entire log, click the "Print All Rows" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Print All Rows" button is highlighted. To only print selected rows, click the "Print Only Highlighted Rows" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Print Only Highlighted Rows" button is highlighted.


If you'd like to export the report to a file, click the "Export Data" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Export Data" button is highlighted. NOTE: Export to Excel only works on full versions of Microsoft Excel/Office. It does NOT work with the Office Starter 2010 and other starter/third party versions. If using any one of these, export to a Comma Separated Values (CSV) instead.


The user may also clear all the data displayed on the screen by clicking the "Cancel" button or by pressing the "Enter" key when the "Cancel" button is highlighted.


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