A. Process NewRx & Custom Queues

A. Process NewRx & Custom Queues

To access the Process NewRx & Custom Queues screen, click on Workflow -> A. Process NewRx & Custom Queues.

Processing Rx Custom Queues



This screen facilitates processing of prescriptions that have been added to the custom queues created. At any time the display method can be changed with the "Display Report Using" drop-down box, and can be filtered to Nursing Homes by selecting the appropriate nursing home or facility and floor from the respective drop-down box. You can also refresh this report at any time by clicking the refresh button on the bottom left.


In order to begin processing a queue, first select "Queue to Process":



In the above example we're looking at a custom Refill queue (in patient view) which automatically defers prescriptions to date specified when the scripts are added to the queue. Only prescriptions that have been deferred to this date will display; this will keep the queue clean without displaying too much information when not quite necessary. A regular Edit Type queue would display all prescriptions added to it in the same fashion as shown above.


The rest of the process is fairly straight forward; after selecting prescriptions on the right the user can either process individual RXs, all the ones for the patient (if looking at the patient view), all of the ones in the queue (if looking at a list view), or remove them from the queue. Version 5.8.0904 and forward also introduces a new feature called Kwik Refill in addition to Auto Process.



The Kwik Refill function enables the user to quickly refill prescriptions with one single process directly from the Queue screen without having to process each individual prescription at a time. BestRx will then automatically create the records and take you directly to the claim transmission screen. This feature can currently be used from the Profile, Refill Queue screen, and the Process Custom Queue screen. The Auto Process will automatically process the selected prescriptions and will display an appropriate info window when processing. Simply select the prescriptions you wish to process and click "Auto Process".


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