Print 1500-Insurance Claim Form

Print 1500-Insurance Claim Form

To access the Print 1500 Insurance Claim Form screen, click on Billing -> Print 1500-Insurance Claim Form.


Print 1500 Insurance Claim Form Screen


Print 1500-Insurance Claim Form

In order to print a 1500 form in BestRx, the pharmacy first needs to input the prescription into the system. Instead of submitting the claim to the insurance, simply save the prescription. When you have a prescription you need to print a 1500 form for, follow these steps:


  1. Search for the RX by the number of patient name, select the correct patient.

  2. Select the date range by which to search for prescriptions.

  3. Select the patient's insurance plan from the "Ins Plan" dropdown box.

  4. Select applicable form in the "Form" dropdown box.

  5. Click "Generate Report" when ready.

  6. The search will display prescriptions in date range for the selected plan. Simply select which ones you wish to print and hit the "Print" button. Make sure you have the correct form paper in the paper tray, the one normally used to print regular paper, or the manual feeder if your printer is capable of printing to that tray temporarily.


The report can be sorted any time by simply clicking the column name above the records you'd like to sort by.


If you'd like to export the report to a file, click the "Export" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Export" button is highlighted. NOTE: Export to Excel only works on full versions of Microsoft Excel/Office. It does NOT work with the Office Starter 2010 and other starter/third party versions. If using any one of these, export to a Comma Separated Values (CSV) instead.


The user may also clear all the data displayed on the screen by clicking the "Clear" button or by pressing the "Enter" key when the "Clear" button is highlighted.



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