B. Unbilled Prescription Log (Billing)

B. Unbilled Prescription Log (Billing)

To access the Unbilled Prescription Log, click on Billing -> B. Unbilled Prescription Log.

Unbilled Prescription Log

This report provides the user with a list of all unbilled prescriptions currently in the system. To generate the report, select the date range desired in the appropriate fields. You can filter the report by prescriptions with DURs, you can choose the Unbilled, Rejected and Hold statuses and lastly you can filter the report by Plan / insurance plan group name. You also have the option to display the report by Patient or Full List View (as shown above). The Full List View mode acts as many other reports in BestRx. Simply select the prescription(s) you'd like to process and click the "Process RXs" button.

In addition, you can select and Transmit Rxs from the Unbilled Prescription Log. There is no limit on the number of prescriptions that can be selected for processing or transmitting; you can even click the Select All button to highlight all unbilled prescriptions, and process or transmit them at the same time.

Patient view groups prescriptions under the patient names alphabetically, while Full List View displays all prescriptions with no individual headers.

Patient View Mode


To process prescriptions from this view mode, select the patient from the list on the left. Select the appropriate prescription in the right window and click "Process" to process the prescription. Alternatively you can choose to "Process All" prescriptions for the patient by clicking the corresponding button.

The report can be sorted any time by simply clicking the column name above the records you'd like to sort by.


To print the report page, click the "Print" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Print" button is highlighted.


The user may also clear all the data displayed on the screen by clicking the "Clear" button or by pressing the "Enter" key when the "Clear" button is highlighted.

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