3. Print Statements

3. Print Statements




The Print Charge Account Statements screen allows users to generate and print statements for families and patients with outstanding balances or credits. When the monthly process of rolling over balances and printing is correctly completed, the statements resemble credit card statements and can be mailed to customers.

To Print Charge Account Statements, click on Acct Receivables 3. Print Statements

Screenshot 2024-12-30 134511.png

To generate statements, first select the end date for the transactions you want to print by manually entering the day, month, and year, or by clicking the calendar icon. By default, this information is automatically selected by the software to pick the full previous month (meaning that the month of December would not be selected on December 31st; only on January 1st through January 31st).

The user can narrow down the report by choosing from the available options.

  • Print statements with zero balance: using the dropdown "Yes/No".

  • Display statements with Credit Balance: using the dropdown "Yes/No".

  • No New Transactions using the dropdown "Yes/No" transactions.

  • Print Account Summary Field using the dropdown "Yes/No" to display the summary.

  • Print Due Date: using the dropdown "Yes/No" box and select the desired date in the calendar field.

  • Display minimum payment: by selecting it from the drop-down list and choosing the amount in the field to the right.

  • Patients in a specific LTC Facility: you can filter for facility in the drop-down menu.

  • Group By Patient: to break down prescriptions for individual patients when utilizing families or larger groups for charge accounts. This allows the function to print one main statement for the account while still retaining individual patient's prescriptions in a group for easier visibility.

  • Specific Delivery Group: you can select the group from the drop-down menu.

  • Custom message to the statements, enter in the message to be displayed at the bottom of the statement in the Footer Line 1 or Footer Line 2, if applicable.

Click the "Generate Statements" button or press the "Enter" key when the "Generate Statements" button is highlighted to obtain the statement.

Balance Roll over

After generating the report using the specified criteria, click the "Print Statements" button or press Enter when it is highlighted to print the statements. Each family's or patient's statement will print separately and include a payment stub at the bottom, helping you identify which account a payment should be applied to. After printing, the system will prompt you to roll over the balances to the next month. Rolling over consolidates all current month transactions into a single "Balance Forwarded from Last Month" line item, ensuring statements are clean and only display charges for the current period. Without rolling over, statements would list every transaction, making them messy and requiring many pages to print each month.

If you'd like to roll over balances without printing, simply click the "Roll Over Balances w/o Printing" button instead of "Print Statements".

Reprint Old Statements

This screen also allows users to Reprint Older Statements by clicking the link in the upper right corner. Users can search the archive by date or family name, as shown below.

After expanding a date, select a patient to display their statement as a PDF on the right side of the window. Use the PDF print controls at the top to print older statements or click the Save icon to save the statement externally. To return to the previous menu, click "Go Back to Printing Current Statements" in the top right corner.

The user may also clear all the data displayed on the screen by clicking the "Cancel" button or by pressing the "Enter" key when the "Cancel" button is highlighted.

Closing A Charge Account

A pharmacy can close a charge account only after the patient's open balance is set to $0.00 and rolled over to clear the current month's balance. If this step is not completed, BestRx will prevent you from setting the charge account to 'No'.

The pharmacy can create a new charge account transaction to zero out the patient's current balance under their Family Name.

Once the balance is set to $0.00, the pharmacy can go to Print Charge Account Statements, select "Print Statements," and roll over the balance. Alternatively, they can roll over the balance without printing.

However, it is best practice to print the statement to keep a record of previous transactions before the rollover.

After rolling over the balance and ensuring it is $0.00, the pharmacy can disable the charge account by setting Charge Account to 'No' in the patient profile.

Charge Account Statement Printout

Charge Account Statement Family/Billing Organization

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