7. Transfer Transactions to Another Family

7. Transfer Transactions to Another Family

To transfer transactions from one in house charge family to another, click on Acct Receivables -> 7. Transfer Transactions to Another Family.


Transfer Family Account Receivable Charges Screen


Transfer Family Account Receivable Charges Screen

The Transfer Family Account Receivable screen allows the user to transfer the entire accounts receivable balance from one family to another. This can be useful for moving a child's transactions to a parent account, merging two accounts that were created by error, or for any other reason.


  • To transfer balances, first select the family you'd like to transfer the balance from in the respective field.

  • Enter in the whole name of a patient to bring up the family’s information or enter part of the patient’s name and press the "Enter" key to bring up a list of patients.

  • To choose the patient click anywhere on the row of the patient or type in the line number of the patient in the field below the list and press the "Enter" key.

  • Second, select the family you'd like to transfer balances to in the respective field using the same method.

  • Lastly, click the "Transfer" button to transfer the balance. The program will ask if you're sure, select "Yes".


The user may also clear all the data displayed on the screen by clicking the "Cancel" button or by pressing the "Enter" key when the "Cancel" button is highlighted.


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