3. LTC Cycle Manager

3. LTC Cycle Manager





Sets the schedule for processing prescriptions according to the specific settings defined within each cycle. You can name each cycle differently or label them based on the LTC facility (Nursing Home) for which the prescriptions are being filled. This is where you establish the framework for how the cycles function.

To access LTC Cycle Manager, click on LTC 3. LTC Cycle Manager

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Settings in the Cycle Manager

Cycle Name: You can set this to a nursing home name, a priority level (ex. green, red, yellow) , or any label that can help the pharmacy remember the timing for filling the prescriptions.

Cycle Timing Type: Choose between a Period-based or Anniversary-based schedule.

  • Period based - the number of days for this Cycle period (ex. 30, 60, 90)

  • Anniversary based - allows for the two specific dates to be set. (ex. 1st, 15th)

Rx Days Supply Same as Cycle Period: Sets the days supply to match the timing of the cycle period.

  • Options: ('Yes, No')

Fill Date to Print on Label: Determines the fill date to be printed on the label.

  • Actual Fill Date - The fill date entered during Rx processing (Best option: less confusing for pharmacy).

  • Cycle Date - The date the prescriptions was filled when the cycle was triggered.

  • Special Fill Date - Prompts for custom fill date when the cycle timing is trigger, some pharmacies may use this for nursing home requirements.

Days Supply To Print on Label: Specifies the days supply to be printed on the label.

  • Actual Day Supply of Rx - Reflects the days supply of the Rx filled during processing (Best option: less confusing for pharmacy).

  • Number of Days in Cycle - Based on the number of days set in the cycle timing type for the cycle manager.

  • Number of Days in Month - Sets the days supply based on the number of days in the month.

  • Custom Days Supply Value - Prompts you to select the number of days' supply to appear on the label.

Refill Date to Assign: Assigns the next refill date.

  • Next Cycle Date - Based on the date of the next cycle.

  • Actual Refill Due Date - Calculated from the original fill date.

  • “X” days Before Refill Due Date - Allows setting the number of days before the refill is due.

“Auto Dispense” after adjudication: Automatically sets the prescription as dispensed after processing. If set to Yes, you can adjust the minutes to dispense after adjudication.

  • Options: ('Yes, No')

Refill Queue to Assign: Sets the default refill queue to process prescriptions from, or allows for a custom queue.

Pharmacies are advised to create a custom refill queue for their workflow, potentially one specific to a LTC Facility (Nursing Home).

Avoid using the default Refill Queue, as it may cause issues.

Facilities allowed for Cycle: Specifies which facilities are allowed to participate in the cycle.

  • All Facilities - Includes all nursing home facilities in the cycle.

  • Selected Facilities - Allows selecting specific facilities to link to the cycle. For example, the Rolling Hills Cycle only includes prescriptions for the Rolling Hills nursing home.

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