1. View Received Messages

1. View Received Messages

To view messages received through E-Rx, click on E-Rx -> 1. View Received Messages. This menu can be featured on the Dashboard.


Electronic Prescribing Mailbox Screen (Patient names distorted for privacy)

Electronic Prescribing Mailbox

This is the main mailbox screen for electronic prescriptions received by the E-Rx program. Messages received by the pharmacy will display here, and will be sorted according to options selected by the user.

The mailbox can be refreshed to display new messages at any time by clicking the Refresh button.

Filling an Electronic Prescription

To fill electronic prescriptions, check the box next to each prescription you’d like to fill. Once they are highlighted, click the Fill Rxs button at the bottom to be taken to the Rx Processing screen.

Control prescriptions have to be filled using the Fill Rxs button and cannot be printed. This behavior is good practice for all prescriptions, as it properly archives them in your database for safekeeping.

Changing Message Status

Messages can be enabled, disabled, or marked as new using the Change Status button.

  • Enabled prescriptions can be filled as normal. This is the default state for messages you receive.

  • Disabled prescriptions cannot be filled and will appear greyed out in the inbox. They must be enabled again in order to be filled.

  • Kept as New prescriptions will appear in a green highlight, as though they were never opened or viewed. It is similar to marking an email as unread.

To change the status of one or more prescriptions, check the box next to each prescription you’d like to adjust and click the Change Status button. A list of the above statuses will appear; select the status you’d like to apply, or click Cancel to apply no status and leave the messages as they are.

Filtering Messages

You can choose to display All Messages, New Messages or Pending Messages for a specified date window. The default date window can be changed in the E-Prescribing Setup screen.

The mailbox can be sorted by Date Sent, Message Type, Prescriber Name (Sender), Patient Name or Drug Description in a Descending or Ascending order. You can choose to display 20, 50, 100 or 250 messages per page, and move around these pages with the Prev Page and Next Page buttons.

Messages can be filtered by maintenance medications or controlled substances by checking the Maint. Meds and Control drugs boxes at the top right.

You can choose to only display certain message types by clicking the Msg types to Display button at the top right and checking only the types you would like to see.

Message Search

If you need to search for a specific message, click the "Search" button in the bottom left section of the screen. The search box will pop-up and allow you to narrow the search by Patient Name or DOB, Prescriber Name, and/or Drug Name. You can also filter by Maintenance Medications and/or Controlled Substances using the check boxes at the top right of the screen. When the appropriate fields have been filled out, click "Search". If at any point you'd like to close the pop-up and get back to the mailbox screen simply hit "Esc" on your keyboard or click the "Cancel" button.

Screen Settings

By clicking the Gear icon at the top right, you can configure various settings to show or hide certain attributes or messages.

  • Verify/Status Messages: Indicates if Verify or Status messages will be shown.

  • Filter Messages: Indicates if only retail, only LTPAC, or all messages will be shown.

  • Hide RxFill Indicator Change Messages: Indicates if RxFill Indicator Change messages will be shown.

  • Show Prescriber Address: Allows you to show or hide the prescriber address.

  • Show Patient Address: Allows you to show or hide the patient address.

  • Show Patient Match Indicator: If this option is set to Yes, a red X will be shown on ERxs where you do not have a matching patient in your patient file.


When you're done working with messages in the mailbox and you'd like to get back to the previous screen, hit Esc on your keyboard or click the Exit button.


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