Clinical Segment

Clinical Segment

For fields with the number one (1) appended, the segment will display additional fields for sequential fields (ingredient 2, 3, etc).

Field #

Field Name

Possible Value or Explanation of Field


Diagnosis Code Count

Automatically calculates how many diagnosis codes are being used in the claim by adding the entries from the Diagnosis Code field and the "More" button next to it; located on the main processing screen.


Diagnosis Code Qualifier 1

01- International Classification of Diseases (ICD9), 02- International Classification of Diseases10, 03- National Criteria Care Institute (NCCI), 04- The Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED), 05- Common Dental Terminology (CDT), 07- American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV); nested under the "More" button next to Diagnosis Code field located on the main processing screen.


Diagnosis Codes 1

Indicates the diagnosis code itself entered from the Diagnosis Code field and the "More" button next to it; located on the main processing screen.


Clinical Information Counter

Automatically adds all the clinical measurements entered into the "More" button then "Clinical Info" button located on the main processing screen


Measurement Date 1

Measurement date entered into the "More" button then "Clinical Info" button located on the main processing screen


Measurement Time 1

Measurement time entered into the "More" button then "Clinical Info" button located on the main processing screen


Measurement Dimension 1

Measurement dimension entered into the "More" button then "Clinical Info" button located on the main processing screen


Measurement Unit 1

Measurement unit entered into the "More" button then "Clinical Info" button located on the main processing screen


Measurement Value 1

Measurement value entered into the "More" button then "Clinical Info" button located on the main processing screen


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