DUR Segment

DUR Segment

For fields with the number one (1) appended, the segment will display additional fields for sequential fields (ingredient 2, 3, etc).

Field #

Field Name

Possible Value or Explanation of Field


DUR Counter 1

Indicates how many DUR codes are transmitted and is counted by adding all the DUR segment lines populated; located on the DUR tab of the main processing screen


Reason for Service Code 1

Indicates the reason for service code required to be clarified by the pharmacy; located on the DUR tab of the main processing screen


Professional Service Code 1

Indicates the professional service code in response to the above reason code, and is required to be chosen by the pharmacy; located on the DUR tab of the main processing screen


Result of Service Code 1

Indicates the result of the service code in response to the above reason code, and is required to be chosen by the pharmacy; located on the DUR tab of the main processing screen


Level of Effort 1

00- Not Specified, 11- Level 1 (Lowest, 1 to 4 minutes of time), 12- Level 2 (Low Complexity, 5 to 14 minutes of time), 13- Level 3 (Moderate Complexity, 15 to 29 minutes of time), 14- Level 4 (High Complexity, 30 to 59 minutes of time), 15- Level 5 (Highest, equal or greater than 60 minutes of time); located on the DUR tab of the main processing screen


Co-Agent ID Qualifier 1

01- Universal Product Code (UPC), 02- Health Related Item (HRI), 03- National Drug Code (NDC), 04- Health Industry Business Communications Council (HIBCC), 11- National pharmaceutical Product Interface Code (NAPPI), 12- Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN), 15- First DataBank Formulation ID (GCN), 28- First DataBank Medication Name ID (FDB Med name ID), 29- First DataBank Routed Medication ID (FDB Routed Med IT), 30- First DataBank Routed Dosage Form ID (FDB Routed Dosage Form Med ID), 31- First DataBank Medication ID (FDB Med ID), 32- First DataBank Clinical Formulation ID Sequence Number (GCN_SEQ_NO), 33- First DataBank Ingredient List ID (HICL_SEQ_NO), 99- Other; located on the DUR tab of the main processing screen


Co-Agent ID 1

Identifies the co-existing agent contributing to the DUR event and corresponds to the qualifier above; located on the DUR tab of the main processing screen



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