Adnl Document Segment

Adnl Document Segment

For fields with the number one (1) appended, the segment will display additional fields for sequential fields (ingredient 2, 3, etc).

Field #

Field Name

Possible Value or Explanation of Field


Additional Documentation Type ID

Type of additional documentation; entered into the "More" button then "Additional Documentation" button located on the main processing screen


Request Period Begin Date

Date when the request is to begin, converted into YYYYMMDD format; entered into the "More" button then "Additional Documentation" button located on the main processing screen


Request Period Recert Date

Date when the request is to be re-certified, converted into YYYYMMDD format; entered into the "More" button then "Additional Documentation" button located on the main processing screen


Request Status

The request status; entered into the "More" button then "Additional Documentation" button located on the main processing screen


Length of Need Qualifier

Indicates the qualifier for the length of time of the request; entered into the "More" button then "Additional Documentation" button located on the main processing screen


Length of Need

Indicates the actual length of time for this request based on the qualifier above; entered into the "More" button then "Additional Documentation" button located on the main processing screen


Prescriber/Supplier Date Signed

The date the request was approved by prescriber/supplier, converted into YYYYMMDD format; entered into the "More" button then "Additional Documentation" button located on the main processing screen


Supporting Documentation

Supporting documentation attached to claim; entered into the "More" button then "Additional Documentation" button located on the main processing screen


Question Number/Letter 1

Inquiry entry number; entered into the "More" button then "Additional Documentation" button located on the main processing screen


Question Percent Response 1

Inquiry response, if responded with a percentage; entered into the "More" button then "Additional Documentation" button located on the main processing screen


Question Date Response 1

Inquiry response, if responded with a date; entered into the "More" button then "Additional Documentation" button located on the main processing screen


Question Dollar Amount Response 1

Inquiry response, if responded with a dollar amount; entered into the "More" button then "Additional Documentation" button located on the main processing screen


Question Numeric Response 1

Inquiry response, if responded with a numeric value; entered into the "More" button then "Additional Documentation" button located on the main processing screen


Question Alphanumeric Response 1

Inquiry response, if responded with an alphanumeric value; entered into the "More" button then "Additional Documentation" button located on the main processing screen


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