COB Segment

COB Segment

For fields with the number one (1) appended, the segment will display additional fields for sequential fields (ingredient 2, 3, etc).

Field #

Field Name

Possible Value or Explanation of Field


Other Payer Count

Indicates how many other payers are being submitted; automatically generated based on COB segment


OP Coverage Type 1

Code identifying the type of other payer; blank - not specified, 01 - Primary, 02 - Secondary, and so forth. Located in the COB tab of the main processing screen


OP ID Qualifier 1

Code indicating the Other Payer ID qualifier; located in the COB tab of the main processing screen



Other Payer ID number, must correctly correspond to the ID selected above; located in the COB tab of the main processing screen


OP Date 1

Payment or rejection date of the claim submitted to other payer, generated automatically based on that claim


Internal Control Number 1

Number assigned by processor to identify an adjudicated claim when supplied in payer to payer COB only; located in the COB tab of the main processing screen


OPAP Count 1

Total of OP amounts paid; this field automatically adds the populated lines in the COB segment, located in the COB tab of the main processing screen


OPAP Qualifier 1.1

The OP amount paid qualifier indicating type of payment taken; located in the COB tab of the main processing screen


OPAP Amount 1.1

The OP amount paid itself based on qualifier above; located in the COB tab of the main processing screen


OPPRA Count 1

Total of OP patient responsibility amounts paid; this field automatically adds the populated lines in the COB segment, located in the COB tab of the main processing screen


OPPRA Qualifier 1.1

The OP patient responsibility amount paid qualifier indicating type of payment requested; located in the COB tab of the main processing screen


OPPRA Amount 1.1

The OP patient responsibility amount paid itself based on qualifier above; located in the COB tab of the main processing screen


Benefit Stage Count 1

Total of the number of benefit stage occurrences; this field automatically adds the populated lines in the COB segment, located in the COB tab of the main processing screen


Benefit Stage Qualifier 1.1

Blank, 01- Deductible, 02- Initial Benefit, 03- Coverage Gap, 04-Catastrophic Coverage, 50-Not paid under Part D but paid under Part C, 60- Not paid under Part D but paid as or under supplemental benefit only, 61- Part D drug not paid by Part D plan benefit, paid as or under a co-administered insured benefit only, 62- Non-Part D/non-qualified drug not paid by Part D plan benefit. Paid as or under a co-administered benefit only, 70- Part D drug not paid by Part D plan benefit, paid by the beneficiary under plan-sponsored negotiated pricing, 80- Non-Part D/non-qualified drug not paid by Part D plan benefit, hospice benefit, or any other component of Medicare; paid by the beneficiary under plan-sponsored negotiated pricing, 90- Enhance or OTC drug (PDE value of E/O) not applicable to the Part D drug spend, but is covered by the Part D plan; located in the COB tab of the main processing screen


Benefit Stage Amount 1.1

The actual benefit stage amount as indicated by the qualifier above; located in the COB tab of the main processing screen


OP Reject Count 1

The total of the number of other payer rejections; this field automatically adds the populated lines in the COB segment, located in the COB tab of the main processing screen


OP Reject Codes 1.1

The other payer rejection code itself, based on the qualifier above; located in the COB tab of the main processing screen



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