Compound Segment

Compound Segment

For fields with the number one (1) appended, the segment will display additional fields for sequential fields (ingredient 2, 3, etc).

Field #

Field Name

Possible Value or Explanation of Field


Dosage Form Code

01- Capsule, 02- Ointment, 03-Cream, 04- Suppository, 05- Powder, 06- Emulsion, 07-Liquid, 10- Tablet, 11- Solution, 12- Suspension, 13- Lotion, 14- Shampoo, 15- Elixir, 16- Syrup, 17- Lozenge, 18- Enema; located on the compound tab of the main processing screen


Dispensing Unit Form

1 Each - Being one or individual, 2 Grams - A metric unit of mass equal to one thousandth of a kilogram, 3 Milliliters - A metric measure of volume equal to one thousandth of a liter; located on the compound tab of the main processing screen


Route of Admin (5.1 only)

No longer used in D.Ø


Ingredient Count

Automatically calculates the amount of ingredients that were entered into the compound segment; located on the compound tab of the main processing screen


Product ID Qualifier 1

01- Universal Product Code (UPC), 02- Health Related Item (HRI), 03- National Drug Code (NDC), 04- Health Industry Business Communications Council (HIBCC), 11- National pharmaceutical Product Interface Code (NAPPI), 12- Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN), 15- First DataBank Formulation ID (GCN), 28- First DataBank Medication Name ID (FDB Med name ID), 29- First DataBank Routed Medication ID (FDB Routed Med IT), 30- First DataBank Routed Dosage Form ID (FDB Routed Dosage Form Med ID), 31- First DataBank Medication ID (FDB Med ID), 32- First DataBank Clinical Formulation ID Sequence Number (GCN_SEQ_NO), 33- First DataBank Ingredient List ID (HICL_SEQ_NO), 99- Other; located on the compound tab of the main processing screen


Product ID 1

Product ID of the ingredient based on the qualifier above; located on the compound tab of the main processing screen


Quantity 1

Quantity of the ingredient; located on the compound tab of the main processing screen


Cost 1

Cost of the ingredient; located on the compound tab of the main processing screen


Basis of Cost 1

The basis of cost for the ingredient; located on the compound tab of the main processing screen


Ingredient Modifier Code Count 1

Automatically calculated based on how many modifiers were entered


Ingredient Modifier Codes 1

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) maintains this code set. The complete

code set is available at http://www.cms.hhs.gov/hcpcsreleasecodesets/anhcpcs/list.as p


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