D. Update Item Prices

D. Update Item Prices

To get to the Update Item Prices screen, click on Miscellaneous -> D. Update Item Prices.


The purpose of this report is to update single or multiple items' prices simultaneously. This is particularly useful when having to change pricing on multiple items under specific departments, categories or groups.

To start, simply enter in a search string. Click on "Get Items" and the report will pull up all items that match what's been entered. You can narrow the search by choosing a Department, Category or Group when searching. When the search has finished, simply check the items you wish to update. You can alternatively "Select All/Unselect All" to check or uncheck all items in the result.

When done making your selection, indicate what pricing you'd like to adjust. For example, if all items selected are to have a Regular Price of $5 and an Acquisition of $3, enter 5.00 in the Regular Price field, and select and enter 3.00 in the Unit Acq Cost field. You can also indicate if there is a Discount or a Case Acquisition Cost in a same manner. When you're done entering the prices, simply click on "Update Prices". A message will display with the result, and after hitting "OK", all items selected will reflect the change in the report above in real time.

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