H. Import Items from File

H. Import Items from File

To get to the Import Items from File screen, click on Miscellaneous -> H. Import Items from File.


This program feature allows the import of items from wholesalers who might not have the ability to send these files through an EDI update. It is a locked feature and will require a password to be provided by us in order to import any items.

Specifications for the ITEM Import file

If your wholesaler does not have the ability to communicate with you through the Wholesaler Inbox / EDI update, click the above tile to download a specification file that you'll be able to forward to your wholesaler and in result they'll be able to format a file you can import through this feature with items and prices for that wholesaler. We have also outlined the information contained within this file below.

The file must be in the .xls format, for Excel 97-2003. It cannot be in the modern .xlsx format. Any .xlsx file will need to be resaved as .xls.

** Indicates data is required in indicated column

  • All of the columns need to be in the file in the appropriate places, even the non‐required columns. For the non‐required columns, if you do not have that information available, you can leave the values in the column blank, but the column must still exist and be there in the appropriate position.

  • Any time it says there’s a maximum number of characters for a field, if the value in the import file exceeds the max number of characters, the extra characters will be ignored.

  • If the file will be a comma‐delimited file, make sure there are no commas included in any of the fields.




1 / A **

SKU **

The item SKU / UPC Code. If it is 11 digits in length, we will automatically add the 12th digit (check digit). For all other values we will leave it as is.

2 / B

Vendor Item

Number The number that the vendor/supplier uses to uniquely identify the item.

3 / C **

Description **

The item description, max 40 characters. We will ignore the remaining characters if it is longer than 40 characters.

4 / D

Short Description

The short description of the item, max 20 characters. This will print on the customer receipts. If this is left blank, we will take the first 20 characters of the Description.

5 / E


Manufacturer of the item, max 40 characters.

6 / F

Buy As Case

Indicate if this item is bought by the case. The default value is NO. If this field has a value of ‘1’, ‘Y’ or ‘YES’, we will assume that this item is bought by the case. For all other values we will assume it is not bought by the case.

7 / G

Sell As Case

Indicate if this item is sold by the case. The default value is NO. If this field has a value of ‘1’, ‘Y’, or ‘YES’, we will assume the item is sold by the case. For all other values we will assume it is not sold by the case.

If the item is not bought by the case, then this value will default to NO regardless of what is actually in this field. If an item is not bought by the case our program assumes that it cannot be sold by the case either.

8 / H

Units in Case

If this item is bought by the case, indicate the number of units in the case. This field is required if the item is bought by the case.

9 / I **

Acquisition Cost **

The price that the store pays their wholesaler for this item. If it is bought by the case, this should be the cost of the entire case. If it is bought individually, it should be the cost of each individual unit.

10 / J **

Retail Price **

The price that the store will charge their customers for this item. If it is sold by the case, this should be the price of the entire case. If it is sold individually, it should be the cost of each individual unit.

11 / K


Enter a value of ‘1’, ‘Y’ or ‘YES’ here to indicate this item is taxable. For all other values, we will assume the item is not taxable.

12 / L


Quantity on Hand

Indicates the quantity on hand for this item. If this item is sold by the case, it should be the number of cases‐on‐hand, otherwise it should be the number of units‐on‐hand. Default value will be zero.

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