B. Setup Item Shortcut Buttons

B. Setup Item Shortcut Buttons

To get to the Setup Item Shortcut Buttons screen, click on Miscellaneous -> B. Setup Item Shortcut Buttons.


This function is utilized to create shortcut buttons on your Main Register Screen that will allow for a speedier and more efficient checkout of items you might not have or do not want loaded into the system that utilize same pricing. A good example is Greeting Cards from the same manufacturer under the same price, or all 16oz Coke Products that cost the same amount.

To start simply select which register you'd like to create or adjust shortcut buttons for. All available registers will display in the Register drop-down box. After selecting one of these registers, the following screen will display:


At this time it is necessary to select the new button or current button to adjust. Simply click the button you'd like to work with. When creating a new button, you will see the screen below. When editing a button that already exists, you will see the screen in step 4.


With the button selected, simply search for an Item you'd like to create a shortcut for. Typing more characters will further narrow the search. You can also filter the results by Group, Department or Category using the drop-down boxes. When the item's been found, simply click on it.


When the item's been selected, the screen below will display some information about the button placement and will display the item details. This screen allows to adjust the Caption, Caption Color, Font and the Button Color of the individual button. It also allows the user to utilize a Header function by selecting Group Header Yes. This function allows for a number of buttons to be nested under each individual button. A full explanation of nesting items is located in the Group Header article.


When finished working with the button, simply click "Save Shortcut" to save it. If you'd like to delete the button to make space, click "Delete Shortcut". You can exit the screen at any time by clicking "Exit" in the bottom right.

If you'd like to copy shortcut buttons from one register to another, please give us a call as the feature is locked by default to prevent accidental erasing of register buttons.

Group Header

In order to properly utilize the Group Header Nesting for an item shortcut button, the program requires a group and a dummy item be made for the sole purpose of being used as a Header item. For example the item and group could be simply labeled "Soda" for all soda products, with a button on the main screen named "Soda" that has several buttons nested like Coke 16oz, Sprite 16oz, Coke 12oz, etc.

Create these as shown in the Item File and Group File; one group labeled "Soda" and one item labeled "Soda". The Item "Soda" should belong to the Group "Soda" when created. You should also make sure and edit the Group name for any other item you'd like to have Nested under this button. Simply edit them individually in the same fashion by changing the group flag to "Soda" in the Item File, or update multiple items through the Update Item Fields feature and select their group there.

Go through the steps of adding a Shortcut Button as show in the previous article, but make sure the Group Header option is toggled to "Yes".

This will create one single button with the name Soda on the main screen of the BestPOS program.

When clicked, a nesting window will display as shown below. Simply click the appropriate button from there to add the item to the sale.

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