E. Update Item Fields

E. Update Item Fields

To get to the Update Item Fields screen, click on Miscellaneous -> E. Update Item Fields.


The purpose of this report is to update single or multiple items' fields simultaneously. This is particularly useful when having to departmentalize, categorize or group multiple items to better organize your inventory. It's also very useful when having to change multiple items' tax rates, amongst other fields.

To start, simply select to Search by "Name starts with" or "SKU starts with" and enter in a search string. Click on "Get Items" and the report will pull up all items that match what's been entered. You can narrow the search by choosing a Department, Category or Group when searching. When the search has finished, simply check the items you wish to update. You can alternatively "Select All" or "Unselect All".

When done making your selection, click on "Update Fields". The window below will display:


Simply choose the field you wish to update and select/enter the value with the drop-down boxes or corresponding fields. You are able to update multiple fields at one time by simply selecting more than one field and choosing the values for them. When you're done making your selections, click "Update" to update all the fields. Depending on the amount of items the process could take a bit longer, but when it's done those items will reflect the changes and you can exit this feature by clicking "Cancel" or hitting "ESC" on your keyboard.

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