Profile Screen (F6)

Profile Screen (F6)

To access the Patient’s Rx Profile screen either press the ‘F6’ key, click on the Profile button towards the left of the screen, or click on Rx Profile -> 1. Display Profile.



Patient Profile

The user can search for a patient’s Rx Profile in the same manner as searching for a patient on the Rx Processing screen. The result of the search is a line item report of all prescriptions for the selected patient.

The user can edit or refill prescriptions from this screen. All prescriptions that are highlighted green are due for a refill. Only the most recent refill for a prescription will be displayed in the list. Any Rx number with an ‘R’ after it represents a prescription that has already been refilled at least once.

Profile Options

Once a patient’s Rx Profile is displayed the user has a number of options:

  • Refill prescriptions

To refill prescriptions, make sure the system is in Refill mode by choosing the Refill option on the bottom middle of the screen by either clicking the Refill radio button or by pressing the ‘R’ key. Then either click anywhere on the row of the prescription(s) to be refilled or type in the line number in the field under the list. When all the necessary prescriptions have been chosen, click the ‘Process Selected Rx(s)’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key to begin refilling the prescription(s).

  • Kwik Refill

The Kwik Refill function enables the user to quickly refill prescriptions with one single process directly from the Profile screen without having to process each individual prescription at a time. BestRx will then automatically create the records and take you directly to the claim transmission screen. This feature can currently be used from the Profile, Refill Queue screen, and the Process Custom Queue screen.

  • Auto Process

The Auto Process function enables the user to simply process multiple prescriptions through at the same time; the software will automatically determine parts of the process to automatically perform and will display a results window during the process. Following these results, the user will have the ability to review the process itself. For more information, visit the Auto Processing with NightTech article.

  • Edit prescriptions

To edit prescriptions, make sure the system is in Edit mode by choosing the Edit option on the bottom middle of the screen by either clicking the Edit radio button or by pressing the ‘E’ key. Then either click anywhere on the row of the prescription(s) to be edited or type in the line number in the field under the list. When all the necessary prescriptions have been chosen, click the ‘Process Selected Rx(s)’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key to begin editing the prescription(s).

  • New

To fill a new prescription based on an old prescription's information, make sure the system is in New mode by choosing the New option on the bottom middle of the screen by either clicking the New radio button or by pressing the ‘N’ key. Then either click anywhere on the row of the prescription desired or type in the line number in the field under the list. When the necessary prescription has been chosen, click the ‘Process Selected Rx(s)’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key to begin filling the prescription.

  • Refill / PA Request

To fax or print fax forms for prescriptions, make sure the system is in Refill / PA Request mode. Select any prescriptions you wish to fax/print forms for, or type in the line number in the field under the list. When all the necessary prescriptions have been chosen, click the ‘Process Selected Rx(s)’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key to fax/print the prescriptions. On the following dialogue box, select the function you wish to use. These functions exactly mirror the Refill Request (F7) function when working with individual prescription.

  • Print

To reprint labels for prescriptions, choose the Print Label mode. Select any prescriptions you'd like to reprint labels for, or type in the line number in the field under the list. When all the necessary prescriptions have been chosen, click the ‘Process Selected Rx(s)’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key to print labels for them.

  • Verify

To begin verification processes for multiple scripts, choose the Verify process mode. Click the ‘Process Selected Rx(s)’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key when all prescriptions have been selected, then choose the Verification process; F - Verify before Fill, or D - Verify before Dispense. The software will then take the user to the appropriate verification screen based on the previous selection.

  • Sync

This function allows the user to synchronize refills according to need/preference of the patient. For more information, visit the Using MedSync article.

  • Transfer Rx

To mark prescriptions as transferred, choose the Transfer Rx Mode. Select any prescriptions you'd like to mark as transferred, or type in the line number in the field under the list. When all the necessary prescriptions have been chosen, click the ‘Process Selected Rx(s)’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key to mark them as transferred. This function exactly mirrors the Transfer Rx function when working with individual prescriptions.

  • Add to Queue

If you'd like to add prescriptions to the refill queue, choose the Refill Queue mode. Select any prescriptions you'd like to add to the Refill Queue, or type in the line number in the field under the list. When all the necessary prescriptions have been chosen, click the ‘Process Selected Rx(s)’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key to add them to the Refill Queue. The program will notify you how many prescriptions have been added. Click 'OK' to close the dialogue box.

  • Rx Inactive

This process option allows the user to automatically inactivate multiple prescriptions at a time for a single patient with less clicks. Simply select all prescriptions you wish to deactivate, choose Transfer as process type click the ‘Process Selected Rx(s)’ button or press the ‘Enter’ key to deactivate the prescriptions.

  • Mouse Over Details

You can mouse over any prescription in the list to obtain additional details on the prescription chain, such as previous RX numbers for the prescription, the Fill Date, the Plan Names used, Quantity of previous fills, Refills left on previous fills, Day supply, Total amount billed, Copay, Rx Status and the Workflow Status of the prescription.


Outbound Messaging Patient Settings

You can also adjust notification settings by clicking the BELL icon next to the patient cell phone field. More information about the messaging interface can be found in its article.



The profile screen also allows for some customization in order to show/hide information that the user wants/does not want to display. Simply click the Sprocket icon and choose from the following:

  • Rx Profile Font

Choose which font you'd like to use when displaying the patient profile screen. Regular is the current new look, Bold displays items like the older versions of the program used to.

  • Show Workflow Status

Indicate if you'd like to display workflow statuses for prescriptions.

  • Show RPh/Tech

Indicate if you'd like to display the RPh/Tech column to show what RPh/Tech filled the script.

  • Show Adherance Pct

Indicate if you'd like to display estimated adherence percentages.

  • Show Last Flu Shot

Indicate if you'd like to display the Syringe icon to give information regarding the most recent flu shot.

  • Color customization

Click the appropriate color box and change the appearance of that particular item.


When customizations have been made, log off and log back into BestRx; some of these options require the program to draw different elements on screen and therefore a log off is necessary.

The user may also clear all the data displayed on the screen by clicking the ‘Cancel’ button or by pressing the ‘Enter’ key when the ‘Cancel’ button is highlighted.

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