I. Order from Supplier

I. Order from Supplier

To get to the Order from Supplier screen, click on Inventory -> I. Order from Supplier.


The Order from Supplier function assists in sending an order directly to the supplier through the EDI interface.

Supplier : Choose the supplier to whom you'll be sending this order to.

Purchase Order # : Enter a purchase order number you wish to associate to this order.

To enter items to send to supplier for reorder search for them using the SKU / Item Name field; after selecting the desired item indicate the Qty to Order and lastly click "Add to Order" to place them in the order.

You can also remove items from the order by selecting them in the order panel below and clicking "Remove" to remove individual items or "Remove All" to remove all items from grid.

When the order is completed as you see fit, simply click "Send Order" to send the order to your wholesaler.

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