E. Purchase Orders

E. Purchase Orders

To get to the Purchase Orders screen, click on Inventory -> E. Purchase Orders.


The function of the Purchase Order feature is to report and offer the ability to Add and Print orders for suppliers who do not offer an EDI Wholesaler interface. To search for previously entered purchase orders choose the dates in the Ordered From / To calendar buttons; you also have the ability to narrow the search down further by selecting a Supplier or P.O #.

 To enter a brand new purchase order, click the "Add Order" radio button.


Purchase Order # : Enter the purchase order number.

Date : Enter the date for the order.

Record # : This field displays an internal record number for the PO and cannot be edited.

Supplier : Choose the supplier for whom this order is being placed. To add/edit supplier refer to the Supplier File.

Attention Name : Enter a name of the representative this order is directed to.

Ship to Name : Enter the name of the person this order should be addressed to at the store.

Address Information : Fill out the shipping information for the pharmacy.

Expected Date : Enter the date you expect to receive the order.

Due Date : Enter the date by when you absolutely must receive the order.

Ship Via : Enter requested shipping company name.

Remark : Enter any remark you may have for the order.


This tab gives the ability to add/remove items to an order as filled out in the previous tab. This information needs to be filled out before successfully printing an order. You can narrow the results by selecting a Department, Category or Group when searching for items.

Item SKU / Desc or Vendor Item # (only visible if vendor is selected in the previous tab) : Enter the Item SKU / Description or Vendor Item number to search for the item.

Show Only Linked Items : Select this option if you wish to only display items that are linked to a vendor in the Item File.

 To add items to order simply click the item(s) you wish to add and click the "Add" button. If you'd like to select all items in the search grid click "Select All" before adding them to order.

To remove items from order, select them in the same manner as above but instead click "Remove Item" to remove individual items or "Remove All" to remove all items from the order.

 When done selecting and adding the items, click back "To Item Page" to "Save & Exit" or "Save & Print" the order.

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