G. Scan Signed Delivery Ticket

G. Scan Signed Delivery Ticket

To get to the Batch Delivery Ticket Scanning screen, click on Delivery -> G. Scan Signed Delivery Ticket.


This function of BestPOS Admin allows the user to automate scanning delivery tickets printed and signed by the patient(s). These prescriptions have to have an identifying QR Code affixed to the front of the prescription before scanning. This QR Code can be printed on your prescription label, and also automatically prints when using the Delivery Ticket feature through either the Dispense Rxs in Groups BestRx report or through the BestPOS system when performing delivery transactions.

When you have your delivery tickets ready to be scanned, insert them appropriately into your scanner and click the "Start Scanning" button. The tickets will appear one by one in the list after being scanned. At any time you can mouse over the listing to view a preview of the image.

If there was an error scanning any delivery ticket, it will display under the "Error Scanning" tab. You can mouse over and view the image, and try to correct the error.

If any scanner options require to be adjusted, click the "Options" button to adjust them.

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